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RE: Steemit + Wikileaks = Freedom of Information

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

As I understand how their government is setup that makes sense. When the coup happened I said I was for the coup if it was a good thing for the people and not another case of just throwing out a legit government to replace it with a corrupt one. I was informed on that day by Turkish posters here that it was legit. They are a Republic like pretty much every government that claims to be a Democracy (including the U.S.) but they have 4 branches instead of three. One of those branches is the military of which all citizens must at some point serve in. That branch as I understand it does not answer to the President, etc. As I understand it elements in that military branch were not happy with a lot of the Presidents leaning towards support of Islamic radicals and such and they sought to remove him from office. Now about a week later I am not sure what to believe. Some indicate the U.S. may be YET again monkeying around in internal affairs of other foreign nations. Whether this is true or not I have no clue. At this point it is really murky and I am uncertain what is legit and what is propaganda.

EDIT: Yet that night I saw the helicopter firing on civilians on that highway too. And I was under the impression that might have been the established government firing on civilians. I also don't recall seeing any of those civilians actually getting hit and falling. I commented on that last week.


It is strange how we trade liberty for security and end up with neither.

Hehe. Yeah you'd think history would teach people. Oh wait you need to actually bother to learn history and KEEP learning it.

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