How and Why Government Exists

in #anarchism8 years ago

I've researched a lot about how and why governments exist and can be so controlling, unethical, and unsustainable. There are so many tricks that they use to keep us in line that its overwhelming to get to the bottom of, and that's the point.

It used to upset me until I figured out that the powers that pretend to be only have control over me if I allow it by interacting within their systems. So I gave up money, driving, land ownership, etc, effectively cancelling any de facto or implied contracts with the control systems. Since the control systems have no contract over me, and I don't commit any crimes, meaning that I don't hurt anyone or their property, I decided that if illegally persecuted by obviously corrupt control systems, that I'd fight to the death before being locked in a cage.

Once freed from the bonds of civilization as we know it, I had the time to research everything I was ever interested in. This research showed me that government is only here for and only applies to those that need it. Those that need it are those that can't take responsibility for their own actions, well being, or defense.

Certain humans will always want and need government. No amount of logic can help them. They are products of the systems that they're dependent upon. There are very rare exceptions though.

All it takes to be truly free is accepting responsibility for your own actions, well being, and defense, and removing reliance upon the control systems by realizing the difference between perceived, indoctrinated needs, and actual needs.

Indulgence in and dependence upon perceived needs and luxuries like driving, public schools, land ownership, welfare programs, corporations, hospitals, courts, police, military, cities, roads, etc causes a lot of suffering and damage to the world so quite simply, the people indulging in and dependent upon them need to be managed or controlled. By continued participation in those systems, with the full knowledge that they are corrupt and detrimental to humanity and the environment, they are proving beyond a doubt that they don't have the ability to function without help, thus admitting their ineptitude and lack of responsibility. By participating in things that they know are wrong, they're also proving that they don't have the ethics to be allowed to roam free.

Those that realize that their true needs are food, water, shelter, and community, and figure out how to provide these things independently, self sufficiently, and sustainably, are very unlikely to cause personal or environmental damage with their lifestyles so they don't need to be controlled. Very few people have figured out how to do these things but once they do, all interaction with the corrupt systems becomes totally voluntary and largely unnecessary.

To me, posts on the internet that are trying to explain how these control systems work could be compared to someone standing on the porch of a falling down house and yelling the house rules at me when I've given up on the house and am in the yard chillin in the treehouse that I built myself out of all natural materials.

We're all assumed to be idiots that need to be managed like livestock until we prove otherwise so we are contracted into the control systems for management until we can prove, through our lifestyles, that there is no reason to control us. Once we have proven that we can be independent and personally responsible by sustainably supporting ourselves, the de facto contracts that imprison us become nullified.

When you think about it all like this, it becomes very clear that the problem isn't the systems themselves, it's the insanely huge ratio of the people that need the control systems compared to the ones that don't. The control systems were actually a pretty good idea in the beginning. The problem we have now is that the systems are breeding people that will need the systems, creating an unsustainable population/government growth loop and enlarging the control systems to the point that they are actually threatening the environment to the point of imminent human extinction.

The only way to stop this cycle is to realize the negative effects that our lifestyles have on the environment and the freedom of others, negate those effects by living peacefully and sustainably, thus removing both our need for, and our support from, the control systems. When there is no longer a need for them, they will dissolve on their own.


A man can only free himself, to free the world will only chain you to it. The world will never change, and that's a good thing. If everyone gave up on governments, or religious institutions, that would mean the end of our humanity. We enslave ourselves in order to belong, to free us is pointless, free yourself that is the only right path too take.

I see humans that need government and religion as a devolved slave race that will end up killing everything on the planet if not converted or stopped, like a large version of the rat utopia experiment. I see them killing themselves off pretty quickly, either due to their devolved state of reasoning or due to their completely unsustainable way of meeting their survival needs through man made systems, using man's fallible rules instead of Nature's infallible rules. I, and others like me, people that can exist in harmony with Nature and can be good people without needing leaders, hope to survive the inevitable collapse of civilizations and evolve humanity back and forward, back into a species that uses Nature's resource based economy to meet our survival needs.

Once one has seen real freedom, it's very rare that they can re-enter civilization without LOTS of drugs to dull the pain of participating in the death of one's species. If one claims to be a moral and ethical person and also supports religion and government, they are deluded. Religion and government disempower people and make them dependent and susceptible to supporting tyranny and violence. I won't debate this because it's blatant truth and anyone arguing it is either dumb, trolling, or shilling.

If you'd like to keep being a slave, that's fine with me but just know that if you don't kill yourselves off peacefully and soon, other forces of Nature, in an attempt to survive will kill you off violently. Whether it's disease, natural disasters, droughts, famine, or roving bands of feral humans, civilization and those supporting it will be eliminated. Until that happens, I'll be waking up every day and doing exactly what I want to do because I'm not dependent upon slavery systems, violence, ignorance, or dogma to "belong".

Please take this as an attempt to educate and not as an attack or threat. I'm just stating the results of many years of research and experience from within civ and from outside of it.

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