No One Is Censoring Laura Southern (Or White Conservatives)

White conservatives have been spreading hate speech in America, freely, for the past 50 years. They did not agree with free'ing slaves, they disapproved of ending Jim Crow. The same challenges this nation has faced from it's inception still linger, and dominate us. That brings me to comments I had to leave on a video by Laura Southern, speaking at Anarchapulco this year.

Some guy responded to the video with "She's HOT, and she's so right!!"

After I challenged him to explain why he feels her attractiveness has anything to do with her being accurate, he responded. He told me ....

Why would you think that: I agree with Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, Mark Levin, Rush, etc. Her looks don't influence my political beliefs: There are good-looking women on the right and left. She could be this gorgeous and spouting liberal dogma, and I would repudiate everything that she says, but I would have to admit to her attractiveness -- only.

Now that you've responded Thomas, I realize I'm in an uphill Battle. To answer your question I thought that because that is what you said. you "led off' with how hot you feel she is; Not about how right she is. However, again, now that you've named your Hate-Speech Hall of Fame mentors; I get what you 'agree' with her on; and it's too bad we have to live on a planet with so many of you; b/c you're actually Falsehoods; You're Evil Devils Who Lie - and Say hate filled things - only to HIDE behind "False claims" of Censorship; The people you named have been Polluting the airwaves, and Books with Hate for over 30 years; Claiming that they are being Censored; That their FREE Speech is infringed upon; Which is a lie; ALL while they end to be the very ones who seek to INFRINGE upon the free speech of others;

Just Today, Lebron James was riding with another black person (which I'm sure upset you conservative racists - ) and he stated that Trump does not care about the people; (his views, His opinions, His right??) -- Laura Ingraham took to her Platform to say "Why Must They Talk that way? Shut Up and Dribble" ---- showing that SHE (most racist conservatives who happen to be white) have NO respect for the freedom of Speech of others (blacks) -- they want blacks to SHUT Up; to LOSE their JOBS in the NFL if they don't Stand for anthems which Praise Slavery of their ancestors; (2nd Verse) --- When Jemele Hill (host of ESPN's Sportscenter, formally now) said Trump is a Racist (again her RIGHT to speak....) --- Conservatives (you racist white folks who hate blacks) -- wanted her FIRED; you ended up getting her Suspended; and MOVED off of Sportscenter; THEN you get up at a conference and rail about Gamer gate and how YOUR Freedom to Speak Is challenged; how YOU lose YOUR jobs over the things YOU say; Which is often untrue --- all while what IS true is that You are the ones Seeking to SILENCE and CENSOR Others.

IT's not a 'liberal vs conservative' thing; Liberals want people to talk - and yea, often extremists go too far as well but Liberals tend to reel their Extremists in; WHILE conservatives FOLLOW theirs all the way into the Darkness; She's right about 'some' of what she's saying; but she's Mixing it in with falsehoods; Such as suggesting there 'is a Standard of Beauty' - or that Some Races are Smarter than Others --- WHEN science proves we all COME From the same Genetic Beginning; We're all related; and "the white people' are a genetic mutation caused from living in locations that did not have as much sunlight; (which is why you BURN in too much Sun) ---- none of the genetics made you Smarter just because --- it only impacted how much Melanin you naturally produce; Which by the way, Melanin tends to be linked to studies on Intelligence; and this is why White people tend to take "melanin pills' --- as it helps with 'focus, aging, etc...' --- point is you're not more Superior to any other Human Beings; No one is censoring conservative ethnic-state hate mongers -- BECAUSE this is America you and your Evil Minion Mentors have been able to Speak, and make TONS Of money while enjoying white privilege; While the evil you spread, puts black lives in Actual danger.

The lies you tell lead to Police Murdering blacks; often who are unarmed and have not harmed a soul; WHILE YOU gently arrest WHITE people who just got done MURDERING people with their AR-15's - because "you will not be replaced" ... or some nonsense you spew. I'm not so sure any of you are that intelligent; IF a woman looks good enough, none of you care how Smart or intelligent she is. You'll just go along with her desires and her ideas; You're a bunch of weaklings following a FEAR doctrine put out to you by YOUR white women ---- You're Adam in the garden of Eden, Listening to EVE (who listens to the DEVIL) - instead of listening to God.

Below is the video on Censoring Laura Southern - which isn't happening.

I don't agree with most of what she says; but every now and then she'll slip in some truth. This is what they do though. Below is a 'two for one', where white conservatives continue to display a pure hate for black people. They want to be allowed to say anything they want to say - and don't care about the outcomes. While all blacks are doing, is speaking about unfairness. Yes, Lebron is making lots of money but does that mean he isn't a Citizen of the nation too??

Laura Ingraham Racist attack on Lebron James :: "Shut Up And Dribble" :: Showing no one censors White hatred

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