
Another great video...

This makes me want to try dog. I probably never will, but if it is so much like cow, pig, and lobster, to so many other people, it makes the whole thing relativistic to me. Eating animals is hard on the body and mind, but I think if it is a conscious choice, we do not do it so often. I do eat animals, but the more I think about it, and the closer I become to the animal, the less I do it because it is a pleasure or even a vice. I did 7 years vegan and it changed the way I look at it. A habit of doing something, is as weak as a habit of not doing something!
You can live in harmony with animals and reap the benefits of necessary vitamin A in the form of retinol, and K2( necessary for proper teeth and bone formation), without killing animals. If you don't want to eat meat, at the very least do yourself a favour and eat free run grass fed eggs and dairy (butter, aged raw cheeses are a probiotic and mineral dense powerhouse)

I eat organic now, but I love meat. What keeps it in check for me is the enviornmental impact anf the fact that a plate of meat can feed hundreds of people if it is vegetable form. In Baltimore city everyone has chickens, I am in the county so I get eggs from of my friends in the city. Amazing how many chickens arw running around the city. If there are houses with yards, there are chickens.....

I simply love seafood too much to give it up.

Very good your posts
I am looking forward to your next post @jeffberwick

Great info!

I was not expecting a vegan presentation. But it was a good presentation and is making me think about it. She did not say anything about cost comparison. Does anyone here know if being a vegan a less expensive option?

Rice, beans, lentils, whole fruits and vegetables are considerably cheaper than meat and animal products.

Unless you raise your own grass fed, free range animals. Why does everyone live under the assumption that you have to buy food. Take responsibility and exercise your right to food freedom before its too late!

"Aggression is illegitimate" is a contradiction of terms. Check out the actual definitions. She starts out with something that doesn't make sense.

Now that you're confused(as anyone would by starting an argument with something like "Day is night")she compares you to a mob boss.

The natural reaction is "hey wait! You don't make sense then you insult me?"

She then tries to supposedly calm you down by saying "I know I know" and talks about how personal this subject is even though I personally was upset about how I'm being compared to a mob boss with no prior rational argument to get there.

She starts out her speech with a classic straw man fallacy. This is a tactic in subtle conversational bullying.

She creates an argument based on a misrepresentation of the opposition, or "straw man," by saying that aggression(something that is inherit in human beings thus part of natural law, as well as legal in certain instances which makes it legitimate to our societal laws) is illegitimate. She then says that makes you a mob boss. Her argument is irrational because it's based on erroneous definitions therefore it cannot be accurate therefore is a misrepresentation of the opposition. The next step in the fallacy is to attack that conveniently made up opposition which she does by comparing you to a mob boss.

Aggression is legitimate. That's a fact, not an opinion. These words have definitions and can only operate in certain parameters. She can argue that aggression is illegitimate within her own personal constructed set of rules, but that doesn't imply any rational decision making on her part. It only helps to remove any reason for the audience to keep listening.

Let me make it clear that I'm not disagreeing with her actual views. I'm not agreeing with them either because I can only guess what they are. I stopped watching after she based her whole speech on a frikkin straw man fallacy.

You sound like you're in denial and jumped on the first opportunity to stop watching the video in fear that it might force you to reflect on your daily habits. It's clear (and she makes this point later in the video) that she was referring to the initiation of aggression. To initiate aggression against a non-aggressor is a violent act.

Initiating aggression against a non-aggressor might be violent but that doesn't have anything to do with my argument of aggression and legitimacy and how she starts with an illegitimate straw man tactic.

If you're going to disagree with me, please refrain from groundless personal attacks or I'm going to flag you for flaming me. Stick to the argument, or kindly direct your opinions elsewhere.

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