What's Really Going On? - Anarchapulco 2018 edition

in #anarchapulco7 years ago (edited)

Having had an awesome week at Anarchapulco, we continue our 10 year social experiment asking people 'what's really going on?' This is a compilation of some of the answers we got.

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Nice video Danny! Just out of curiosity - and don't take it the wrong way as I think it's an interesting question that should create a discussion - Were the majority of people in the conference wealthy/rich white men? If it's true I think it's interesting. If we want to make a change in the world I believe that people from different backgrounds and gender should be part of it. I believe that experience is the most important thing. For example people who never experienced poverty will know less about how it feels, how people get there, and even about the way to deal with it, than people who actually experienced it etc'. What do you think?

There were lots of women there although probably more men. There were more women involved in the health and wellness part of it at the begginnjng of the week. As regards richness, I don’t think everyone there was wealthy although it obviously costs to go here and stay there. There were a few people who had become quite wealthy from cryptos. But there were some, even one or two in the video that had to stretch financially to get there. I think your point is a good one and perhaps it would have been nice to have a few sponsored places for people who couldn’t afford it.

People are being so effectively socialized by ruling institutions that they're at risk of no longer knowing their own values and believe their "good fights," are of their own belief systems when they are in fact programmed in ways which support and perpetuate those who do not have their best interests at heart. We are not only being fed fake news, fed bad foods, taken advantage of, but are being isolated from those who do speak truth. It will become increasingly important to know one's own values and unplug from mainstream lest we be led away into more doom.

A great video Danny, who was that guy at the end? I really enjoyed what he said, "natural law says we should have a state of freedom" Thanks!

you literally put headphones on everyone? lol
looks nice there, I will try to go next time.

The headphones were acting as a microphone! Yes. It was awesome. You’ve got to go next time.

ah, aha! I thought you were being paid by Dr. Dre to insert beats headphones logos in there.. hmm.. I just noticed that the 'b' looks like a 6 and 'beats' is almost 'beast' - but I digress.. lol

I have been to that part of the world before and loved it, so yeah - I will do my best to go next time.

Heard there was a big quake in Acapulco during the event. Is everyone OK?

The earthquake was 90 miles away I believe, but we felt the tremor in the conference. Quite surreal; some people ran but most just stayed put as the floor moved under us. A friend of mine was on the 14th floor in the hotel and said the tower swayed. There was no damage and the conference restarted within a few minutes.

Great video @dannyshine! I’m very grateful you asked me this question in the pool on your last day, and equally greatful to have found your work on here. Safe travels & hope to see you next year.

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