Hey guys! I´m competing to win an Anarchapulco 2019 ticket | Check out my Entry!

in #anarchapulco6 years ago (edited)
Hey guys! I heard from @redrica that Anarchapulco Scholarships is giving out event tickets with flight expenses included for 10 Anarchy Enthusiasts and I decided to join the contest.

I made a video (It´s a bit long) about why I want to attend the conferences and why do I deserve to attend.

If you want to check out the contest click here.

I hope you like the video! All the rewards from this post will help me pay for my accommodation in Acapulco, México :D

If/when I win, I plan to have a conversation with whoever wants to speak to me, I will learn as much as I can about the crypto and the anarchy world and I will take the chance to talk about Steem and the project @coruscate and I have, @steemonboarding.

I will try to get as much feedback, Advice and tips from the crypto experts and I will bring it back with me so we can bring the best version of this entrepreneur project that hopefully will help you and me to attract mass adoption towards Steem and the Crypto World.

Maybe you want to show me some support in the comment section of this post or in the Facebook page :D

Wish me luck!

@redrica and @joythewanderer also joined this contest, go show them your support on Anarchapulco Scholarship´s Facebook Page.

For those wondering why I didn´t post the video through DTube, I´m sorry but the upload was taking too long and the deadline is just a few minutes away!


Finally a contest that you can enter!

You've put so many competitions and contests out these last 15 months, I think you deserve to win one yourself.

Hopefully the Anarchy God's are in my favor haha, if I win I'll make sure to document it all (or at least most of it haha), thanks for the good wishes mi amigo

Not sure if you intended to include a YouTube video, but don't see one in the post. Would we find it on Facebook?

Hey, on the bright side, you know the bouncers in Mexico won't give you any problems!

Yeah apparently YouTube doesn't allow videos longer than 15 minutes and I screwed up. Had to verify my account and then I couldn't activate the video to be visible, after 25 minutes of struggling now it's there! Hope you like it man!

Preaching to the choir, but you can trim it to 14:59 just to get something in the door (or if you have time, edit out a few mins to consolidate to the time cutoff).

Yeah haha but I didn't know about the time limit, funny enough, the total time was 16 minutes, if only I had known. These centralized platforms man :P

Not sure if you're stuck/at risk of being disqualified (or if I misunderstood), but another idea would be to subtly speed your video up by x% to drop the minute if it's based on real time and make the cut. We need you repping at the conf, so I'm brainstorming tricks just in case.

Oh no no, I meant Time limit on uploaded videos for unverified accounts, so YouTube made me go through a dull process to be able to post the vid. All good with the competition judges I hope

Arrrggg!! My bad. Good to hear!

So glad I found out about it with a few days to spare and soo glad you joined in! And great that they were understanding about the late submission, because of annoying uploading issues..

Now that's all done, I'll be spending the week visualizing us being in Anarchapulco, and hoping it comes true! Would be so amazing if we get to go :D

Posted using Partiko Android

You're actually telling us to go to a centralized platform? ^_^

I'm sure you have all of our full support here, good luck!!! And now you know what it's like waiting for the outcome of a contest!!!

Just for support! It would be amazing if the contest was held on our Blockchain but until we are not mainstream, these kind of contests will take place in the blue social media :(

Oh believe me, I know! I wasn't always on the organizing side of contests :P

I could not think of a better ambassador for our ecosystem to be there! I have seen prior videos from the event and it seems to be a great gathering of the minds for the ultimate objective of decentralization.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Mucha suerte Eric!!!
Hope you can do it ;-)
Big plastic hug
Steemitri The Mannequin

P.S. I can't find the vid... I saw you had some upload issues...

It's up now! Thanks for the heads up
A plastic hug in return 💪

@anomadsoul, crossing my fingers that you win! Like everyone is saying here you already created so many contests for the other Steemians which were really fun to participate! I hope you had as much fun participating this one yourself! Because remember it's all about the fun and not the winning.

Aaa how strange to see you entering a competition! :D You're usually the man behind them! good luck, Eric :) Hope you get there!
And happy birthday!!! <3

Ahaha oh well, even the organizers enjoy joining contests every once in a while! I also hope I get it, thanks for the birthday wishes! :))))

Hahahha now your time to enter something rather than hosting!! Good luck!!

Ahaha well, we all deserve to join one every now and then :P

Ah man, I wish I would have known they had a contest. I wanted to go after last year didn't happen, but still not happening this year. But next year....I'm gonna make it happen. Good luck @anomadsoul, I hope you win!

Ohhh, I just found out like 24 hours before the deadline, if I knew you wanted in I would've told you! :(
Next year you definitely should apply! For this one, I promise to take videos, photos, and much much more!

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