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RE: Anarchaforko Update: Get Some Forking Perspective!

in #anarchaforko6 years ago

Aw, thanks, @lily-da-vine! You are one of THE MOST CREATIVE people I know. Consistently. Robustly.

From the moment I met you, you were always making things... and it's been an inspiration to watch the wide span of those things! Crochet. Kombucha. Blown glass. Edibles. PIZZA! Sunset photog. Farm life. And now this brave and innovative conference.

I came to Acapulco with a deep desire to learn and practice as much self-sufficiency as possible. So, yeah, I immediately grasped + loved the idea of a conference that gives attendees a chance to pro-actively create and share the information/experience most meaningful to them.

It's revolutionary because every other conference I've ever attended is built on a very passive and voyeuristic model. Attendees typically: (1) watch from the side-lines; and/or (2) don't watch at all, and focus on networking/mingling.

Both are good and useful... but it seems to have SOFTENED our initiative, personal will, and hutzpah to see our own selves as generators of great ideas or skills.

I am interested in the wisdom and observation of this community... and not just a chosen handful. There is too much unheard/unseen talent among us.

In this way, Anarchaforko reminds me more of "indie music," than "pop(ular) music." I want to hear new songs from new (to me) voices, y'know? I can't wait to experience Flynn's and your talks. I so look forward to the spontaneous musical jams that inevitably arise, like it did with Jim's gorgeous sax.

All we have to do is show up, and be willing to BE someone, rather than WAIT FOR someone else to lead, or go first.

It does surprise me that those who defy being ruled, don't RUSH to the chance to step up and speak up. Or teach archery. Or drop lyrics. Or share guerrilla gardening tactics. Gun safety. Self defense. This is a big and interesting community. A knowledge-swap among us would be so fascinating!

Last year, Daphne and her henna tattoos were a HIT. What other micro-bizzes are out there, waiting to be incubated by a warm crowd of anarchists?

This is our soil. Our ecosystem. Our chance to cross-pollinate and grow real things. Real outcomes. Real collaborations.

Thanks and respect to you and John for pioneering a New Thing, done a New Way. It's not easy introducing new concepts to a market -- even a smart, freedom-seeking one -- but I believe time will show you guys were right about the need for this.


Okay, I'll start by saying this is an awesome comment, huge and comprehensive and full of tidbits I can use to make images to get the word out there more.

The goal of this has always been to highlight the unseen but I agree as I too have noticed a sort of...timidness in the regular creator to put themselves out there in the way that is needed for something like Anarchaforko.

The thing is here, especially if you get creative in how you share your message, people will come and you're likely to make a connection you wouldn't have had before. It requires NO FOLLOWING to get your point across at the fork

I find it interesting as I've approached many people I think would be good voices for what they support and they almost ALWAYS come back to me with "oh I'm not good enough maybe use this guy instead". I think they forget that I wouldn't have come to them if I didn't consider them perfectly capable and that's sad! Probably something from schooling in most people I would guess. Being good, but not that good, or that's how they see it.

Sadly Daphne is focused on school elsewhere in Mexico this year but I will still try and bug her into coming as she was indeed a huge hit. Much respect to her, a young beautiful latina businesswoman/artist.

This year we want lots more options as far as the marketplace is concerned for both expats and locals. We will advertise whos coming to vend, early so people have an idea of what to expect!

It's also not easy introducing new concepts in a not so great economy, where everyone is financially and otherwise close minded, a survival tactic of course. HODL! lol

Ohmygosh, @lily-da-vine! It BREAKS MY HEART that even one person has said to you they don't feel good enough...

That's something in our ethos I have an issue with. Since we're kinda laundering here, I'll toss these stinky socks in for a needed wash.

One of the greatest strengths of the liberty/anarcho sphere is its logic and critical thinking. The task of the CRITIC is well practiced here, but not nearly as much the CREATOR. Sorry to say, but most of what I see is a SPECTATOR'S sport.

When you get IN THE GAME... by risking to share your own, developed whatever... when you are belly-up vulnerable with an OFFERING as your REAL SELF, (and not just a clever, pick-a-part comment anonymously made), THEN heat is felt. And that's precisely when encouragement and positive support is needed. Not that crappy everyone's-a-1st-place-winner fake way... but something more like:

You, my brother or sister in freedom, are daring to share your X with us? Let me be the FIRST to offer a hand. To encourage your effort. And, at the least, to withhold the hate.

I think an argumentative vibe has been SO cultivated among us, that we fear/avoid vulnerability with the very people we will have to rely on upon the state's crumbling. So, why not see this conference as extraordinarily FUN PRACTICE for the very real chaos that is surely to come?!

How's that for optimistic realism, lol

Argument is how many of us get to freedom but we forget that we must replace argument with action if we expect to really change anything in this world.


  1. I have probably spent more time with any of the people involved in this conversation or who was mentioned in it. Your intel is flawed and your perception is warped. Your 2 cents does not come close to the months of intel gathered while I lived in thier house, with them day in day out.

2.Don't you ever bring Daphne into this again.

It was my fault that I introduced that family into this degenerate community and this is the reason that her parents' relationship fell apart. They were good people and I spent the most time out of anyone in this community with them. I played games with them on the beach more nights than you even thought about them.


Basically was my fault that Gino died. I brought that poor family in contact with the Anarchapulcoforko slime. A bunch of sexually starved nerdy gringos who basically all tried to dog piled onto a then 15-year-old girl. I am now even more disgusted that this is now back in my memory and I am even more enraged.

I have to live with that not you. I talked to him on the morning he died and felt so guilt for what I did to him and that family.

Why do you think they left? They loved Acapulco!

I hope she stays far away from the fork and the toxic nature of the NihilistDoily.

I will go full bore before either conference before I let this happen.

But I do agree that Lily doesn't have to pay for the immorality of that one that holds her captive so I will initiate the operation I spoke of earlier and use part of the quote Erika just made to help out.

@lily-da-vine, I love you but if you get that family involved in this degenerate immoral community again there will be no quarter given. That girl was like my little sister and I will kill to protect her from you and the slime you are attached to.

Just to balance out @pauliepro's comments here, in private communication:

  1. I advised him to never take that nasty tone with me again, as it was entirely unwarranted and undeserved. I've been nothing but respectful toward him, and have shown him personal dignity in all my communication with him -- private and public. I DO EXPECT THE SAME IN RETURN, and told him I would not receive his misdirected rage. He agreed, and apologized.

  2. I reminded him that at the Fork, Daphne enjoyed incredible affirmation as a young and new business-person. Can you imagine the strengthening effect of being CIRCLED + SWARMED by a marketplace, because your offering is so good?! It's an entrepreneur's dream, and she got to experience it. Others can, too.

And yes, @lily-da-vine, argument seems to be the MAIN and PRIMARY mode of communication in this (small slice) of expressed freedom. My constructive critique is that argument is an insufficient means of communication on its own, and other modes are needed, too. Those other modes (like reconciliation) are, in my observation, mostly undeveloped/under-practiced.

Just a warning expect several bits of this to be made into images, as you as always explained things better than I could. So I'll make the words pretty and share them with the world. :)

I can't believe you would stoop so low. After John telling me that it was good gino was dead because he was a burden to the community just like I was and almost caused me to kill myself. Especially because you two wouldn't be where you are if you hadn't stolen $50+K US from ModProbe. John personally told me he was never going to pay that back way before ModProbe forgave the loan. Don't give me your bullshit.

You are playing with fire here. I am feeling the suicidal itch again. This time I will look you both in the eyes before I go and take you with me. It's this what you want? You are really playing with fire child, I don't think you are ready for what I can do without leaving the house.