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RE: Getting Started with R - Baby's first steps at modern computer aided statistical analysis - How to maintain excitement while learning online

in #analysis6 years ago

I am still finding it very difficult to use SPSS to analyse data. Perhaps I will do intensive study and practice on it.


Hello Max! I haven't heard of many people using SPSS nowadays, seems like it got purchased by IBM...whatever the case my university had a copy for me and nowadays I try my darnedest not to pay for software if I can avoid it!

Congratulations on 50 reputation! I just noticed, now I see you got curied with your blue pen drawing, going to check it out! Did you by chance get your byteball airdrop yet by linking your steem account? The amount gets much higher once you have a 50 reputation!

Well a friend of mine has been using it to prepare a project for people and I have been contemplating on walking up to him to teach me how to use it.

Thanks for the congratulatory message. I have downloaded and tried to install the bytball app on my phone but to no avail. Looks like it doesnt support my phones' version.

Alright! It is a powerful scripting program, we did lots of regression analysis on huge data sets with it! R is similar but open sourced and free - are you looking for a skill with which to earn some money? That's what I'm hoping; have you learned a lot about statistics?

Oh thats interesting! Are you using an android phone? Its possible your phone has saved you a lot of money by not being compatible! So far they have no plans to cancel the program - maybe you will be reputation 60 when you get a new phone!

No am not looking for a skill in which to get money. I just want to have a knowledge of it.

Yea am actually using an android phone and you are right it is not compatible with it. I just hope they stick around for a while so I get a new phone and get my own share of byteball. But this is where I need you guys most to support me inorder to get another device.


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