women's rights: What rights are counted in under the umbrella of "women's rights"?(part-II)

in #analysis7 years ago

Women's Rights under ICCPR and ECHR

The ICCPR was released for sign by the UN General Assembly on December 19th, 1966 and derived into force on 23rd March 1976. Formerly, the ICCPR was forced to shelter and encourage commonly named ‘civil and political rights’, for example the right to life, the right to expression, the right to be free from arbitrary detention and torture, the right to association, and so on.
The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is an international agreement to safeguard human rights and fundamental liberties in Europe. Enrolled in 1950 by the then anew made Council of Europe, the convention come in into power on 3 September 1953.
The Treaty established the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). At all person who sensations his or her rights have been despoiled under the Treaty by a state party can proceeds a case to the Court.

The perception of women's rights subjugates an imperative point in the international human rights law. It is usually assumed that every people are born equal, that their Initiator devotes in them definite inborn, undividable, absolute, non-negotiable natural and essential rights. But then again a relative study of various evolutions of the world recommends that this reality was not entirely believed, that women were distinguished alongside.
The United Nation's principled set on of recommending and entirely encouraging and ensuring equivalent conduct to all genders, men and women is noticeable in its Charter, which starts with the words 'We the People', is adequate immune of its willpower in making a world free from discrimination. Likewise, the similar grit is also apparent in the preamble and provisions of the UDHR and ICCPR.
Therefore, the rights and duties indorsed in the U.N. Charter and the Announcement, particularly those sheltered under the ECHR and the ICCPR are similarly germane to men and women, for example can be seen further down.

ICCPR and ECHR ensure to all men and women:

  1. Right to life;
  2. Right to a impartial trial;
  3. Right not to be penalized without law;
  4. Right to liberty from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment;
  5. Right in contradiction of slavery;
  6. Right to Freedom and safety of person;
  7. Right of plea in criminal matters;
  8. Right to esteem for family and privacy;
  9. Right to liberty from thought, conscience and religion, subject to limitations prescribed by law;
  10. Right of men and women of a marriageable age to marry and found family;
  11. Right to freedom of assembly and association, formation and membership of trade unions, subject to legal restrictions;
  12. Right to freedom of expression, subject to conditions and restrictions prescribed by law;
  13. Right to equality between spouses;
  14. Right to equivalence before the law and in contradiction of discernment on grounds such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status;
  15. Right and chance to conduct public affairs including adult franchise and right to be elected in general periodic elections;
  16. Right to property (ECHR);
  17. Right to education (ECHR);
  18. Right to freedom of movement and residence;



  1. International Protection of Women’s Reproductive Rights under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by Wang Bing
  2. Women’s Rights are Human Rights, UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION 2014
  3. Womens Rights Protected By The International Covenant, Law Teacher
  4. European Convention on Human Rights, Wikipedia

Thank you for sharing this with us.. Women rights it's very important to us.

yes! we should have take initiatives from our particular places to protect and promote women rights all over the world. Thank you for visiting my writing !! Tanks a lot

It is a nice concept that the UN loves to trump around, like most central powers, but they want nothing but individual rights and actively seek to undermine sovereign individuals liberty everyday. What a joke. Nice thought though.

Thank you for sharing and contributing to the Steemit platform. This is us taking back that sovereignty and claiming it for our financial data future. God Bless and Steem on!!!

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