Road to American Ninja Warrior - Day 93


Monday is fitness test day!

It was raining all day, and I was trying to work out how to tackle my sprint today, when eventually I realized I just had to go and tough it out.... y'know, it's only rain... I was totally using it as an excuse.

So I chucked on a hat and gloves, and it totally stopped.

My 400m/quarter mile time was really good, I hadn't done it for ages, so I wasn't sure... but in the moment, I felt like I was gunning it. It did completely exhaust me though, which was disappointing, I remember last time (a good 3 weeks ago) finishing really strong, where this time I was barely going to make it before passing out.

It all comes down to the fact that I haven't been training as hard the last few weeks... I've had so many interruptions with work, my diet, traveling, Steem, it's all adding up. I'm going to have to re-evaluate everything I do so I can (or be more organized, I'm still not as productive as I'd like to be) so that I can ensure I have the time that I need for training.

On the plus side... it's been raining every day for months... and then after today we'll 10 days straight of sunshine... so that'll help a dude get some outside smashing it done!

I did 2 hill sprints and was too destroyed to continue... super not cool.

My deadhang was still really disappointing... I haven't gotten anywhere near my PB in February. Again, it just comes down to time spent hanging, doing pull ups, all that stuff. My competition is in 19 days, and I'm no where near as strong as I was going into the qualifiers. Time to up the effort!

tryouts fitness checklist.png

AWNE Test29th Jan5th Feb19th Feb26th Feb5th March12th March26th March16th April
3 min deadhang1:25.301:37.851:08.051:40:031:11:201:30:491:09:1201:13.2
16 pull ups1616161616161616

It all comes down to time and effort spent. You can't get the rewards without putting the effort in... and so I need to put the effort in right now.


  • 30 minutes of Cross Trainer on the 12 setting

Hill Sprints

  • 2 terrible terrible Hill Sprints

ANWE Fitness Test

  • 400m sprint
  • 1:00 dead hang
  • 16 pull ups

Wasn't real sore going into this, but the tendonitis flared up again on the deadhang.

Yoga sessions (0/2 Completed)

100 Rep Challenge

  • 30 minutes cardio - 100 reps
  • Pull ups - 16 reps

@steemmatt's fitness challenge for Monday - 160 reps

UNAA Regional Qualifier - 5th May - Camp Rhino, Boise, Idaho.

Thanks heaps for reading... super super super appreciate it.



steemaroo divider and ninja upgoats drawn by the incredible @ryivhnn

Australian Ninja Warrior | Australian Ninja Games


The important thing is that you got out there and actually still did your workout. When we can overcome our own internal excuses even if the workout isn't our best a little internal battle has been won imo.

Dear @aussieninja, thank you so much for sharing about fitness. Health is wealth. This types of post inspire us to keep our body fit. Go on dear. I am your great fan. your blog is so informative sir. i am your great fan. best of luck

I'd be freaking out about mud if sprinting up and down a hill, but maybe your slope isn't muddy XP Call it an excuse if you like, I call it not breaking something for a stupid reason XD

Occasional re-evaluation of schedules and things is a thing that has to be done anyway becase stuff changes. Holidays are somethingt hat should happen on occasion but they can throw you out a bit ay. Have you managed to get back on top of stuff after?

And I know it's totally not the same but can you treadmill in inclement weather?


well said. Men can attain things which he try. As you sow so shall you reap. All the best to you for 5th of May contest. keep sharing @aussieninja

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