Road to American Ninja Warrior - Day 82


Hey everyone!
I'm back! Did you miss me?


I was traveling for work all last week, which does make it tricky to train and/or post about training. I didn't train at all on Friday. I'm still getting huge headaches and nausea from flying... no idea what's up with that, but it does not fill a dude with all the energies...

Saturday and Sunday were a bit of a wash too... I'm not even really sure why, just stuff and things.

But I'm back into it today. Winner!


Monday is fitness test day!
It was wet, and so I don't know if it's psychological or actual, but I didn't run as fast.
I did however, finish way stronger than usual. Literally every time I've done this run, I'm dead as I run up the hill and feel like I'm just holding on to get to the finish line. Today I proper sprinted to the finish line, so that was really exciting. Still slower than 2 weeks ago, but happy the physical run.

Dead hang was brutal... I worked harder on my tendonitis last week than I had in a long term... and it was feeling great, but I actually think that 3 days off wasn't great for my various overuse injuries... I think consistency might be more important than rest for those guys. I dropped from the dead hang waaaaaay earlier than I wanted to... Sucks!


tryouts fitness checklist.png

AWNE Test22nd Jan29th Jan5th Feb19th Feb26th Feb5th March12th March26th March
3 min deadhang1:201:25.301:37.851:08.051:40:031:11:201:30:491:09:12
16 pull ups1616161616161616

Smashed out some hill sprints, which were crazy hard... and while they kill me, I always want to do it more often, I really need to somehow fit it in more than once a week.

Smashed out some squat jumps as well. I do really like them.
I did box jumps at the gym last week, and I'd really love to get a box to jump up to... just jumping in the air doesn't feel hard or fun enough.


Consistency really is key... I honestly think that the 3 days off were great for my muscles, but not good for my tendons. Definitely something to keep in mind.

ANWE Fitness Test

  • 400m sprint
  • 1:00 dead hang
  • 16 pull ups

Hill sprints

  • 5 hill sprints

Squat Jumps

  • 3 x 8 squat jumps

Felt find going into today, but super lethargic. Was definitely a struggle to get moving.

Yoga sessions (0/2 Completed)

100 Rep Challenge

  • 15 minutes hill sprints + 15 cross trainer = 100 reps
  • 16 pull ups + 28 jump squats = 44 reps

@steemmatt's fitness challenge for Monday - 144 reps

Titan Games application due date - 14th April
UNAA Regional Qualifier - 5th May - Camp Rhino, Boise, Idaho.

Thanks heaps for reading... super super super appreciate it.



steemaroo divider and ninja upgoats drawn by the incredible @ryivhnn

Australian Ninja Warrior | Australian Ninja Games


I am so happy to see you back!!! Yayyyyy! Those numbers are still looking pretty dang good man! I agree that consistency is really important! I am improving at physical therapy, so once I get back into it, I want to make sure I am hitting it every day.

BTW, I once totally ate it on a box jump. I tried one that was just too tall too quickly, and my shins were destroyed...ughh.

Me too!
Thank you! Are you seeing someone for your shoulder? Or do you have to do the physical therapy by yourself?

Honestly... the fear of destroying my shins is what makes me make the box jump every time. I'm terrified of it. As I get more and more tired, I get more and more scared... until eventually I have to stop because I'd have too many close calls. I've yet to hurt myself though.

My partner's gym has foamy ones... they're strong but soft. I want those but I'd have to spend nearly $1000 which is definitely not on the cards.

That sounds awesome, but also very expensive, haha.

I am seeing a physical therapist. He is super nice and has lots of stories to tell me while he stretches out my arm. I have such a long way to go, but I think I can do it! :)

Those gifs hurt me!


Welcome back.
Oh man those GIFS! I dont know if I should laugh or wince

Laugh.... then wince.
It's what I do... every. single. time.

Too many hilarious gifs! [can't comment laughing too hard]

Right I think I'm okay now. Are you still doing yoga?

Actually you know what I know sfa about yoga. If you can pick up a long form/combat tai chi for any days you want to have as a "rest" kind of day, that should give your tendons a decent workout while being reasonably easy on your muscles.

I'd ask if you've ever considered just easing back in but that would make me a bit of a hypocrite ;D


I actually really enjoyed tai chi for a while when I was doing it years ago. It took me a long time to 'get it' and not feel like I was wasting my time... but it was cool.

My weekly goal this week is to smash out 2 yoga sessions since I didn't do that last week. I'm fully intending to stomp them out. I don't enjoy yoga at all... but I can tell it's good for me...

Haha, no easing back! Ain't got no time for that... I want to be amazing NOW!

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