Road to American Ninja Warrior - Day 80


I've been on the road this week, which is why I've been totally junk at posting... and replying... and reading... and discording... and generally be ace. No ace this week.

Mainly I spend all my time in the office, or in the car, or in the gym or sleeping. I actually left early today just so I could catch up on some Steem action... but have to run to the gym real soon.

I obviously don't have access to my Ninja Shed...


... so I've had to use a real person gym... with real people in it. It's weird man.


I couldn't do my usual AWNE Time Trial thing, due to no sprinting allowed in the gym, so I basically expanded on my leg day exercises... and it's now two days later and I still can't walk properly.

Exercising in a different place is really good for you.. but take it easy. Even doing the exact same exercise on different machines will work slightly different muscles, or the same muscles in different ways. It keeps your body guessing, but you will be sore.


  • 10 minutes jump rope

Gym Leg Day in a Gym

  • 8 x 10 box jumps
  • 5 x 10 left leg box step up lunge things
  • 5 x 10 right leg box step up lunge things
  • 1 x 10 left leg lunges
  • 1 x 10 right leg lunges

I was totally antsy to be honest... spent 12 hours travelling the day before, and then all day in the office. Could not wait to smash out some anythings at the gym. Super exhausted though, hotels are noisy and love to wake me up in the 4s.

Yoga sessions (0/2 Completed)

100 Rep Challenge

  • Leg Day = 200

@steemmatt's fitness challenge for Monday - 200 reps

Titan Games application due date - 14th April
UNAA Regional Qualifier - 5th May - Camp Rhino, Boise, Idaho.

Thanks heaps for reading... super super super appreciate it.



steemaroo divider and ninja upgoats drawn by the incredible @ryivhnn

Australian Ninja Warrior | Australian Ninja Games


That gif! XD You're not supposed to do a run up for that kick! XD

S'all good, stuff happens, we love you anyway XP


Naaaaawwwwwww, so much loves!
Hahaha, I couldn't not include that gif when I found that. It's so beautiful.

Do you have a history of martial arts? I'm slowly piecing together all the little clues to your life.. and while I'm not at all surprised you've got kicking skills, I just thought you were more of a gymnastics kinda gal.

Just a short one, it doesn't really show ;D

The kids do gymnastics. Me, I can't do pretty things. Bu I do hang out at the adult gymnastics classes doing floor (I don't like anything else XD) and massages.


Man, travel and exercise never seem to go hand in hand so kudos on getting to a muggle gym regardless!

They really don't... I think that gets me is the physical toll of travelling... the stress, the mega eyerolling at airport security, the driving in places you don't really know, the lack of sleep, etc etc... it all just wears you done so the last thing you'd ever want to do is train. Thanks dude. Just trying to reach anywhere near Chris-level amazingness.

Yep, I can't remember the last time I exercised when traveling, despite the best of intentions! I find travel gets my stress levels up and I don't really stress about much. I remember when I got into cycling I was reading a book on training that talked about the stress hormones that are released through every day stuff, like arguments, travel, tough days at work etc. It actually has most of the same effects as a training session but without the muscle adaptation of course! That's why a lot of amateur athletes who try to maximise training end up feeling burned out, pro's have the luxury of training being there full time job!

Haha I'll be honest dude, my fitness over the last few years has been at an all time low! Went out with some cycling buddies today for the first time in a year or so and I was absolutely done ten miles from home. Had to peel off and plod home at my own snails pace!!

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