Road to American Ninja Warrior - Day 74


So super sore after yesterday's parkour parkour. My traps (the bit that connects the neck to the shoulders) was so incredibly sore to the touch, and my quads were achey. It took me ages to work out why my traps were sore, I didn't do much upper body stuff yesterday, just climbed around on some things. I eventually worked out it was from the arm windup of each jump... the pulling the arms back and then thrusting them forward to propel your weight in that direction... even doing a little mock pretend jump right now gets my traps and quads screaming.

Last week I smashed my weekly challenge... I really do think the smaller-timescale goals work better for me. This week I'm going to try and squeeze in 2 yoga sessions. I have to set up a TV and create a space, but once that's done I'm hoping it'll sneak itself into my weekly routine.

That said... being Monday, it was time for a fitness test.
I wasn't super happy with my run, but I feel like it's still pretty up there... some non-sore quads might have got me over the line. Also, can I say... it was 20 degrees (Celsius) here today! So amazingly pleasant. Very excited to get outside for a run.

The dead hang was murder... I really wanted to beat 1:40... but my hands and forearms were in agony well before then.

tryouts fitness checklist.png

AWNE Test22nd Jan29th Jan5th Feb19th Feb26th Feb5th March12th March
3 min deadhang1:201:25.301:37.851:08.051:40:031:11:201:30:49
16 pull ups16161616161616

Ignore DOMS... it's a jerk move by the body.
If I was doing weights then I would never ignore them, but since everything I do is body weight, they shouldn't even be there... so jerk off dudes!

ANWE Fitness Test

  • 400m sprint
  • 1:30 dead hang
  • 16 pull ups


  • 3 x 25 sit ups

Hill sprints

  • 5 hill sprints

Squat Jumps

  • 3 x 8 squat jumps

My back and lats are still pretty sore from Wednesday night... as are my calves... but nothing too challenging.

Yoga sessions (0/2 Completed)

100 Rep Challenge

  • 15 minutes hill sprints + 15 cross trainer = 100 reps
  • 16 pull ups + 28 jump squats + 75 sit ups = 119 reps

@steemmatt's fitness challenge for Monday - 219 reps

Titan Games application due date - 14th April
UNAA Regional Qualifier - 5th May - Camp Rhino, Boise, Idaho.

Thanks heaps for reading... super super super appreciate it.



steemaroo divider and ninja upgoats drawn by the incredible @ryivhnn

Australian Ninja Warrior | Australian Ninja Games


don't forget to add a protein shake after your workout!

Haha, thanks man... but I'm actually not keen on the protein shakes. It all just seems so chemically and unnatural. Instead I just eat heaps of protein in every meal. Hopefully it's working out for me.

yeah i know what you mean. some guys at the gym are completely against it

15 minutes hill sprint isn't it too much. any way all the best for Titans challenge. @aussieninja

Are you sure it's not too much? It's pretty brutal... I won't lie... I kind of felt like I might want to throw up afterwards... Thank you though! You're the best!

Well I'm even more exhausted after reading all that now XD Spending some time in the spa to help with the aches and pains?


Oh yeah! I've been jacuzzi'n up as much as possible. The shoulders and back have taken a beating lately... but luckily, they're the bits that the jets can most easily reach... awwww yeah!

nice! is this acro yoga that you are going to?? or yoga yoga :P whats your fav yoga move?

It's yoga yoga... THIS TIME.... acro yoga is coming, just you wait and see.

Ahhhh..... can you tell that I'm a rank beginnner that my favourite move is shivasana at the end, where you get to lie there after being heaps uncomfortable at your inflexibility for a whole session? Yeah, the laziest one is defo my favourite.

hahaha that was my favorite move for a long time too, once it actually became restful :) the cool thing is that the more you do yoga that resting pose really does become rest and a bit zen. When I first attended yoga class, I definitely had the time always running through my head during shivasana and was always wondering when we would be dismissed. Eventually, it truly became a nice chill time, almost fell asleep :P

Keep up the hard work mate. Your training regime sounds intense. And body weight exercises are freaking awesome. I actually enjoy them over weight training by far.

Dead hangs are just evil.

The most evil. I'm not sure they'll ever be easily... or even not incredibly painful. Every time I start I'm like 'this is gonna be easy' and then after 10 seconds I'm hating life so hard.

I should start doing them regularly. It’s such a good exercise. On a positive note, I hit two PBs last night. 135kg deadlift and 100kg bench.

I like the show very much

Whoa... super impressed, you do ninja classes? Would like you to be my sifu/ninja master

Hahaha, this is such a great idea! I'll have to put together some ninja lessons!

That's some great times you have going there. Hopefully you'll surpass your 1:40 dead hang soon! I had to look up what DOMS was...I have heard of it but didn't know the acronym for it. I agree with you, push through the pain because more working of the muscles can help to alleviate the soreness in the long run!

Aw sorry, you're right, I kind of assumed some knowledge there.
If you're working with weights, then I think you absolutely need to rest if there are any DOMS, but with bodyweight stuff I personally think it's best to be consistent and keep training. Each to their own though.

Thanks so much for your comment, super, super appreciate it!

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