Road to American Ninja Warrior - Day 38

Day 38

The past couple of weeks have been filled with, in order, over-enthusiasm -> injury -> interupted training... all of which have brought my tendonitis issues in my elbows, forearms and elbows back to the forefront.

It's not nearly as bad as it has been in the past, but the last couple of days they've been worse than they've been in months. Usually it might hurt towards the end of a class, and then be quite sore on the drive home and over the next few hours.

Lately though, the tendonitis has just produced a bit of an ache as soon as I wake up... so this means I haven't been looking after it well enough. I had thought that I had it under control and I could transition to a more skills development stage of training, but alas, this is not the case.

So, training priority:

1.) Tendonitis strengthening and conditioning
2.) Increase anaerobic ability
3.) Overall strength and conditioning
4.) Skills development

Skills development is the bit I super enjoy... but I there's no point in learning new stuff if I break myself in the process. I'll just have to trust that if I'm strong and fit enough I'll figure my way through.

With all this in mind, today was a very slow and steady pull up sesh. Still really nervey about my neck, but it needs to be done to get my tendonitis under control. I actually had no problems at all with any of my exercises... just that I was out of practice and they are a total grind.

It is a tough workout... it goes for so long and is totally exhausting, but I think that if you're intending to win things then you've got to be the hardest working dude in the room.... which is easy because I have my own gym.

Today's exercises

Warm up
5 minutes jump rope
10 minutes cross trainer

Scapula Mobility
15 slow shoulder shrugs from a dead hang
15 slow shoulder shrugs from a tricep dip machine

Tendonitis Strengthening
5 sets of 6 reps of pull ups
5 sets of 6 reps of push ups
5 sets of 6 reps of tricep dips
5 sets of 6 reps of squishy ball squishin'
5 sets of 6 reps of wrist extensions
5 sets of 6 reps atomic climbing ball grips
5 sets of 6 reps of jumping bar grips
5 sets of 6 reps of 40 second 90 degree chin up holds

Stretching & mobility
20 minutes

Injuries & sore spots

Tendonitis has been pretty rife in forearms, elbows and triceps.
Neck is super sketch.

Goals for January

  • 20 minutes of stretching every day (inspired by @polebird)
  • At least 2 classes of acroyoga (inspired by @karensuestudios)
  • Hit the top of the 14' 6" wall with both hands (December's was 14")
  • One armed pull up
  • One handed pushup (challenged by @dolladu)
  • 8 foot peg board (challenged by @skiesandsports)
  • 15 minutes of meditation and visualization every day (challenged by @just2random)

Upcoming Events

  • Ninja competition (UNAA) in Portland - 4th Feb
  • American Ninja Warrior Experience in Phoenix - 10th Feb
  • American Ninja Warrior Experience in San Diego - 3rd March

Images provided by Google Image Search of 'Australian Ninja Warrior'.


steemaroo divider and ninja upgoats drawn by the incredible @ryivhnn

Australian Ninja Warrior | Australian Ninja Games


did you try some of those stretches?? :D It's terrible when your mind can take it and keep pushing your body, but apparently your body itself can't take it although you can physically finish something out of sheer will.. haha does that make sense what I wrote? Pushing to the point of injury has definitely happened to me before, hope you heal fast!

Uh oh... which stretches exactly? You did so many! I do a few stretches for my tendonitis, and do a bit of trigger point massage as well. No idea if any of it works, but hopefully...

Hahaha, you always totally make sense... and that describes exactly me. When I was younger my body was way tougher than my mind... I'd just always get out of crazy scrapes, everyone thought I was going to be a stuntman when I grew up (ha, IT guy... so far from that) but now, yes, it's my body... it's rife with overuse injuries which I'm sure is totally my fault.

Thank you! I'm willing it to heal as fast as possible!

Oofta! I get tired and sore just reading about your workouts! Keep up the good work and I hope that naughty tendinitis leaves you alone.

Hahahaha, oh damn... they were supposed to be inspiring and energizing, not exhausting... haha, but um, yeah, I'm just constantly exhausted.

I feel like the tendonitis is mine to control... when I'm consistent and careful, it's manageable... whenever I get lazy or forget, it's a pain... unfortunately the unfunnest thing is the only way forward... maybe for life, who knows. Thanks though! Super appreciate it!

I'm so glad to hear that your neck is feeling better, but man now your tendonitis is back in full force? That's such a bummer. It's awesome that you're trucking through it, just make sure to take it easy too! I have been having to tell myself this! I'm rooting for ya! :)

Thanks Beth! Yes, that's exactly what's happened, but I really could have predicted that though. Tendonitis seems to be at it's worst when I'm inconsistent... and injury really hampers consistency of training, so I expected for it to suck, and it does, but I'm slowly getting back on track. These guys won't keep me down!

All the best for your 3 upcoming events. wishing you best of luck @aussieninja Hopefully your hard word will pay back you.

Thank you so much @kamchore! I'm super nervous about all 3 events... but at least the closest one is first. It's always disappointing when you travel for a whole day, spend a lot of money and then go out on the first obstacle in a competition...

Ack, take it easy with the tendonitis! (not too easy obviously but don't strain it too much, you know what I mean! XD)


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 16.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Yikes! Obtained item 11: Potion! -2 points to player!


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