Road to American Ninja Warrior - Day 37

Day 36

After 5 days of being super tentative and cautious to not upset my neck, the rest of my body was going bananas.


I was super restless and jumpy and was totally worried I would never sleep ever again unless I burnt off some of this week-long pent up energy. Don't get me wrong, injuries are always exhausting, but everything was raring to go... except my neck.

I had to find exercises that wouldn't impact the muscles in my shoulders and neck too much, while also totally burning myself out. It would have been a great day for hill sprints, but once I actually got away from the computer it was already dark.

I pretty much went around my ninja gym trying different things to see how angry this injury would get. I was actually able to do a heap of stuff... but even after everything, I just couldn't burn it off. I didn't feel done, but my muscles got achey real quick, especially my forearms. I'm not even sure if I can explain it properly...

Once I came inside I went through my daily stretches... and only after that did I feel like it might be possible that I might sleep. Such a weird day. Definitely not a fan... would not recommended, 2/10.

Today's exercises

Warm up
5 minutes jump rope
10 minutes cross trainer

Scapula Mobility
15 slow shoulder shrugs from a dead hang
15 slow shoulder shrugs from a tricep dip machine

Odd assortment of crazy crap
Slackline for a bit.
Couple of practice laches.
Gymnastic rings for a hot minute.
Pipes, but was totally terrible so gave up on that pretty quick.

Stretching & mobility
20 minutes

Injuries & sore spots

Neckers, mate.

Goals for January

  • 20 minutes of stretching every day (inspired by @polebird)
  • At least 2 classes of acroyoga (inspired by @karensuestudios)
  • Hit the top of the 14' 6" wall with both hands (December's was 14")
  • One armed pull up
  • One handed pushup (challenged by @dolladu)
  • 8 foot peg board (challenged by @skiesandsports)
  • 15 minutes of meditation and visualization every day (challenged by @just2random)

Upcoming Events

  • Ninja competition (UNAA) in Portland - 4th Feb
  • American Ninja Warrior Experience in Phoenix - 10th Feb
  • American Ninja Warrior Experience in San Diego - 3rd March

Images provided by Google Image Search of 'Australian Ninja Warrior'.


steemaroo divider and ninja upgoats drawn by the incredible @ryivhnn

Australian Ninja Warrior | Australian Ninja Games


Keep doing the stretches, they really do help. Glad you managed to burn off some energy, there is nothing worse than a restless body when you are trying to sleep! You are doing great still achieving all these things with your injury, be proud!

Thank you... I literally find myself hugging myself and stretching my neck whenever I see you in my comments or on my feed. You're my neck stretch muse! Very happy to be a reference if you do go for any professional neck stretch muse permanent positions, I'll definitely talk you up.

I actually can't sleep when my body is restless... that's why travelling really knocks me around... I get so tired from the stress and the constant sitting, but I'm too restless to sleep. We can only got to hotels that have 24 hour gyms now... I'm so high maintenance.

I think I will add 'Neck Stretch Muse' to my CV! xD I will start adding a comment to your blog 5 times a day to remind you to stretch haha

Very cool!

It looks easy being in a world - but tom sure is it's not. Hope you can get better soon.

There's a similar anw show on Netflix - have you seen it?

Ultimate Beast Master? Oh yeah, I'm watching it and loving it! One of my training buddies is on it. .. Julio from Chicago.

Yeah - that's it.

I’m so following everyone you mentioned in here. It’s all things I need more of in my life!

Good luck on this journey!

Really? That makes me so happy! Everyone on this platform is so supportive and encouraging and I really do think you'll have fun with these peeps.

Thank you so much!!

Aren't they!
I didn't expect all of that from this community when I first joined. It's been such a pleasant surprise. :-)

I'm glad you're feeling that way about it!

wow nice goal @aussieninja may you attain more than your goal. keep sharing:)

#ninjaspo! Thanks for the ninjaspo yo.

Yo! I hit the #ninjaspo tag in your comment so hard, but it didn't take me to 10,000 videos of Ninja awesomeness. ... being an early adopter is hard yo.

I know right? Guess it is up to us to make the content where there is none, its like restarting the internet or something nuts. @offgridninja will be sure to fill it with ninjaspo. I know it!

Oh no! I was so hoping your neck would be better by now! This is such a bummer! It's awesome that you are still hitting it but also being cautious and careful. I guess you have no other choice though, heh. I hope your neck gets better pronto! So sorry! :/

Me too!
It's definitely on the up and up though. .. it was awful first thing this morning, but after a hot shower it was fine, and I forgot about it all day. .. which was the first time since I did it that that was possible.

Also, it's totally nothing compared to the physical hardships one of my Steem Besties has to go through. Thanks for being so super rad!!

Oh mannnn, props for still working out even through a neck injury (which seems to be one of the worst as it really limits your movement!!). Good luck on this journey, will be watching your progress and hope you get the prep you want before the Ninja Comp in Portland!

Thanks young lady! Neck and back are definitely super sucky. That first day I couldn't even glance around without being punched by pain.... you don't get that with a sprained ankle or wrist.

I definitely feel better today though, so look out Portland Comp on 4th of Feb!!! I'm coming for you!

You go @aussieninja!

Thank you my jet setting friend!

It's amazing how quickly injuries can come and how long they take to go away. Best wishes on a speedy recovery

Hahahaha, true dat!
The thing is, I didn't even fall or muck up or anything... I did the obstacle well... and still somehow injured myself. Never get old man... no good can come from it.

Sorry I haven't been around lately, I'm travelling for work again... it's amazing how much time you spend not-accomplishing anything during commutes and travel. Bring on automated cars I say!

Lol people keep telling me that! And no worries, I know the feeling. Hopefully you've at least had some time to recover though

Wow! It's such a balance to try to care for an active body when there's an injury to consider. I hope your neck feels better. Your workout today looks pretty amazing, considering! I'm over here cheering you on. Give'er!

It is SUCH a balance... I do question if rest is really the most important thing for these types of injuries... obviously you don't want to do anything that will aggravate or impact the injured area, but I just don't feel that couching it up is the best solution... so I'm exactly trying to find that balance.

Hahaha, thank you so much! Loooooooove a great bit of cheering!

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