Road to American Ninja Warrior - Day 87

in #americanninjawarrior6 years ago (edited)


Awwwwwww man!

I wasn't sure what I would decide to do for ninja training tonight, so I took everything in my gym bag so nothing could hold me back. My options were:

  • Grueling Grip Strength workout
  • Trampoline Park with unrelenting Obstacle Course smashing

I've down the obstacle course at the Trampoline Park before, and it is tough on the hands and feet. It's designed to be hard for both kids and adults, but it's surprisingly rough on the body, especially since you have to do it in socks. The trampoline park is also killer on cardio, and has a rock climbing wall.

So... as you probably guessed, I chose the trampoline park for tonight's training.

Now, you have to be super strategic about this adventure. If you get there too early, then it's overrun with kids and you can't train properly...


....but if you get there too late the staff get all weirded out. I've been here a heap of times, and often turning up 15 minutes before closing time is ideal... hardly anyone is there, and they let you pay half price. A few times I've gotten in for free because they don't know how to deal.

Cheap of me, I know, but I'm only really using one bit and it's $16 an hour... I know, still not that expensive, but I'm already paying for 2 gyms and setting up my own gym. Ninjas be poor.

Tonight though... I wanted to get a full 30 minutes in to qualify it for @steemmatt's Daily Rep Challenge... but I underestimated the travel time and the waiver filling out time, and got to the desk at 7:33pm... and they refused to let me in. It was so weird... who denies business and customers?


They made a whole song and dance over it, and brought out the manager who full on lied to my face about removing cables from the register or something... sometimes they undercharge me, sometimes they overcharge me, but they've never downright not let me in before... I'm probably coming across as a little spoilt, but I've maybe been there 30 times and it's never been an issue.

So, I had already traveled back to my hotel, and my gym was 30 minutes away, and it was getting lateish, and I hadn't had dinner... so I basically just smashed out 30 minutes on the cross trainer instead. I'm just getting ready for bed now and totally feel like I could smash out some hill sprints right about now.


Ahhhh... oh well... I'll just have to train extra hard tomorrow.

Have a Plan B ready in the wings.. but learn to roll with the punches. I'll definitely make sure I don't get KB'd in future.

Tendonitis Eccentric Exercises

22 sets of :

  • 15 reps of cable machine pulls from every direction.

Disappointing Hotel Gym exercise

30 minutes on the cross trainer.

My lats are so incredibly sore from yesterday. I was worried about how I would go on the obstacle course, but totes not a problem on the cross trainer. Fake Huzzah!

Yoga sessions (0/2 Completed)

100 Rep Challenge

  • 30 minutes cardio = 100 reps
  • Tendonitis Eccentric = 330 reps

@steemmatt's fitness challenge for Wednesday - 430 reps

Titan Games application due date - 14th April
UNAA Regional Qualifier - 5th May - Camp Rhino, Boise, Idaho.

Thanks heaps for reading... super super super appreciate it.



steemaroo divider and ninja upgoats drawn by the incredible @ryivhnn

Australian Ninja Warrior | Australian Ninja Games


Hahaha yeah that's weird.. Usually corporations are more than accomodating to take someones money in exchange for letting them in a building for 30 minutes. Super frustrating when you hit a road-block like that.

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