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RE: My Journey Begins, Part 1

Wow that’s crazy! I tried a “heroic” dose last night just to get a feel for it and it was intoxicating like alcohol not like mushrooms lol but had some crazy dreams. It was a 15 gram dose and I won’t do it again. I am on 2.5 regiment and there is really no side effect just a calming feeling, reduced anxiety, and hard to explain but a present feeling? I’m not sure but I plant to go in depth on everything on my next post, sorry if it seems redundant.

Damn many sorry to hear that I guess you can’t go swimming then either? Really sucks about the caffeine! Damn!

Posted using Partiko iOS


Yeah the old hippie that took a heroic dose has also done every other drug known to man so i suspect his bad trip might have been a cumulative problem. No unsupervised swimming for me though im on a good medicine that keeps seizures from happening, haven't had one in a few years now.

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad to hear it my son has them too and it’s an awful thing... I’m sure there is a mushroom out there to cure it just waiting to be discovered!

Posted using Partiko iOS

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