The Constitution Is Under Attack, Call We The People!

in #america7 years ago


Yes, and I was cettain you didn't need me to tell you... except, this isn't a perfect world and not everyone has an open mind. Where shall i start... i guess i should begin by saying we probably don't have alot of time left. The Supreme Law of the Land, has been under siege for a very long time. How long? If you have to ask, there's a problem. Lets start with this guy.


You would be wise to read the print there. If you're still not following, that's John F. Kennedy. The man who died not too long after warning the peoole of an enemy that was well prepared to do what ever it needed to take down America. He died, almost seemingly in vein, because that warning was never headed, the enemy he mentioned, never found... unless, you've been sleeping. Reagan then notified the people again, a more clear notification as he left office, he said quote, "Beware, of the Military Industrial Complex". Again, a warning never headed. Leading up to today, with those warnijgs never headed, there can only be two options as to why the Supreme Law Of The Land is undergoing its last breaths of a fight, alone. Either "We The People", are too divided... or too scared to face the inevitable. However if you're smart, you will believe its a combination of the two. This brings us to our next idol.


These young men, the Black Panthers, stood up for the Constitution. But it was because it was their people on particular who werent aloud to benefit to the full spectrum of which the Constitution... constitutes. So they formed a unit to protect and enforce just treatment and law. Through history, and in media, the group had been protrayed as militant, extreme, terrorists... yet all they did relentlessly protect the first and second amendment, for the purpose of beinf abke to protect themselves. Now i suppose is a good time to introduce the evil, the hidden, enemy. But this is just a teaser, a hint to what really lies ahead.


Meet J. Edgar Hoover. The first head of the Federal Bueau of Investigstion. This man was responsible for Terror operation known as COINTELPRO. This operation consisted of a covert espianoge and character assassination of the Black Panthers. Though it took him awhile due to the fact the Black Panthers had gained public trust via. Free Breakfast for Kids programs, and other programs such as educatuon with law. There was even an instance where some joined Black Panthers to be armed with guns, instead, were given books, and tought to be armed with their brain, not guns. Yet still, Hoover worked tirelessly and eventually spun up the Media, using everything from druhs and violence to pin on the Panthers to divide them, and make it easy for the segregation to ensue and rip them apart... this evetually did happen, some members even dying defending not just their Constitutional Rights, but that of all Americans. Hoover's actions went unchecked until his death.

This brings us to Modern day, using the example of the Black Panthers, we learned that divide and conquer is the best and easiest way to take down America. Its effective because the people cant defend anything if they're fighting eachother, or too busy with their lives to make a move to defend the rights that allow them to live on comfort. So as i tell you now, the Constitution is under Attack, it is true. Its only a matter of time, and the pieces have been put into place. Our military is spread across the globe, far from home in Guam, Korea, Iraq, Syria, Europe, Africa, and every other corner of the globe. They were told to fight terror, you see, but remember when J. Edgar Hoover told the country who the enemy was, it was those fighting for the preservation of the Constitution... so if our enemy are terrorists, then why our leaders, and their allies supporting them? This brings us to another person, this time a hero.

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva.jpg


Meet Dilyana Gaytandzhieva. She is an investigative journalist who was in Syria during the major Allepo siege dyring which the Syrian Army was making major gains to turn around. She was in the city as the so called "Al-Nursa Front", a UN registered terror group was trying to retreat. She came across boxes of ammunition, and on them, shipment info. Soke skethcy things like "Purple Shadow" in print, numbers, possibly something she can trace. So she traced it back to her country, Bulgaria, which happened to lead her to documents that suggested the shipments were from various NATO allies like Azerbaijan, and the UAE. Upon reporting ehat she found to her government, they notifed Azerbaijan officials to investivate what she had found. Among hope, what happened instead may or may not shock you. Instead of invrstigating the shipment, of course, they wanted to investigate where she had received her sources from. After exposing what her own government and allies were doing sending shipments to supposed terror groups, she was fired as an investigative journalist, and like many humans in earth today, faces to live witb the fact the enemy of peace, the true and secretive evil, had influence far and wide.

Now you may wonder, what does this have to do with the US? Its the US that leads the coalition against terror in Syria, but started losing because the terror groups exposed to be recieving support from the people pumping the media, telling "We The People", that they are the bad guys at the same time as supporting them, wasn't an idea bought by anitjer major player. Russia. Now this country has had its bad moments, but as of recently, they've been doing quite well for themselves despite being played a very weak imternational hand. But the point here is that the rest of the world is starting to see the patterns. The false accusations, the finger pointing, telling us, We The People who the enemy is, its played over and over and over again in every media channel and we consume it... we are what we eat... and we've been fed some very disgusting, dividing food, for decades. But its time to start waking up lile everyone else is. Life may seem ok, but it wont be much longer if we dont take action. We need to understand who JFK told us about. We need to seel them out, where ever they hide, and punish them. They've been relentlessly violating the constitution and if you havn't seen it yet, let me show you the threat right in front of you.

The enemy is getting bolder. Their patterns are showing more openly, and so theyre becoming vulnerable and even if they try to hide again, it wont be easy anymore. We know. Now today we have the massive mess with Antifa, and Neo-Nazi's. This is apart of the big division plan, and a final piece to shutting down the constitution once and for all. Its up to us to defend it, at all costs. On one side, you habe Neo-Nazi's defending the first Amendment. On the other, you have "Anti-Facist" groups that have grown massive, and extremely belligerent. This all ties into the media and main stream magic show. If you chose to defend Constitutional Law, youre seen as a Neo-Nazi. However if you chose to defend the opposition, you will be seen as the norm, fighting fkr whats right. Somehow, in all of this mess, Antifa has gained a large following of what used to be people from all backgrounds unified im peaceful protest. See the problem is, since the fall of MLk, the fall of Black Panthers as mentioned above, and having divides the people up so much, its easy to manipulate people with popular culture. Many do, many follow. Without great leaders to lead a peaceful narritive to restore the constitution, we are left with chaos by our own government. We are left with a group like Antifa, or a griup like the Neo-Nazi's, with nothing inbetween. People either are too busy, scared and join either of the groups, or divided and join either of the groups, setting the stage for the fall of the constitution set up by those hidden enemies JFK warned us of. We never listened, or didnt have the guts to, but now its time to act. There is a way to atop this. Theres a way to save America, but it has to be dine yesteryear. Forget Antifa. Forget the Nazi's. Forget about North Korea, or Russia, or China, or the Middle East. Our enemy is here at home, and they've barged into the house and ripped the sheets off you with no pants on. They'll take that constitution, and that flag because we've been fighting for America in every other country except for America for far too long. Its time We The People meant more than just a phrase written in ink from a quil. Either you're American, or you are not. We must defend the Supreme Law of the Land, and any law that says we shouldnt, is Unconstitutional, and thus, void. Bring back Liberty. Bring back Justice. Bring back Equality. Bring back Presuit of Happiness, not profit, not war. Bring back the United States of America.

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