
I'm guessing it's more like iron-stained quartz?
Isn't amber clear?
Fossilized resin?

I think it's Egg Yolk Amber. It's clear when I shine a torch through it.

Mmm, I can see where you're coming from but to me it looks too crystalline and fractured to think amber. Plus, quartz is translucent as well. There's loads of it on Brid beach or am I just thinking of flint? I've gathered loads of flint from that beach. I use it in my bushcrafty flint n steel youtube vids.

There's a nice crumbly yet thin iron stained seam of quartz in the small cliff edge on the beach at Kennack Sands, Cornwall. As hard as flint so it will produce sparks off hardened steel but it's more brittle.

It could be Orange Calcite.

Could be, I've just googled orange calcite as not heard of that before. Images are very similar.

I realise the pebble is smooth but if you can find a bit of an edge on it and strike this edge against the side of a workshop file (hardened, high carbon steel) and produce a spark or two then it'll more likely be quartz as a Mohs scale hardness of 7 or above is required to remove tiny steel particles off the file which instantly ignite in atmospheric oxygen (spark). Calcite only has a Mohs of 3 and so not hard enough to remove steel particles.

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