My Steem Ambassador Application

in #ambassadorapplication6 years ago (edited)


I am Venezuelan, from the east of my country, I arrived in June of 2017 to this fabulous platform, I never thought that I could manage to write, I never got to try to commit to writing but one of my favorite slogan is STEEMIT SACA THE BEST OF YOU! and definitely this was what happened to me, steemit captivates me completely, helped me desorrallorme as a writer, to deselvolverme socially and of course to improve my economy.

Having already been in steemit for so short a time that I decided to work audibly for the platform and start my work to promote it, I found in steemit my friends @starkerz and @stephenkendal who with their work and support has driven me to achieve My goal: "To promote in Venezuela to steemit".


In my country the economic, social and political situation is not easy, currently working for a company and live on your salary is not enough to pay for the most elementary cats of a person as they are: food, health, education, etc. , but we are hard-working, warlike people who do not surrender to adversity, full of many qualities and talents that we can share within this platform.


In Venezuela there are very good chefs, engineers, photographers, designers, painters, musicians, writers, artists, economists, in short we are full of attributes that I think can be a good contribution for the development of this platform, but to achieve this, it is necessary to present to Venezuelans to steemit the social network of the future. I want to dedicate myself to attract people with talents, passionate, respectful who want to be part of something big, who put their trust in steemit.


A few days ago delegate to promo-steem at healing trail @ steem-ambassador, this with the aim of providing support to all users who day by day contribute their grain of sand to help grow to this platform.

With the help of @oscarcc89 and @osmerj we designed leaflets and shirt and immediately went out to the streets to promote steemit, I think going to the shopping centers, universities, squares, arts colleges, etc, is one of the best strategies, in fact We deliver brochures in shopping centers in the area, making Steemit known in eastern Venezuela.

( Design of @oscarcc89)

( delivering brochures in shopping centers)

My plan is to dedicate once every 15 days and deliver brochures in all these sites, get access to the unicversities to show and teach the use of the platform, not only propose to attract people also teach them the good use and domain that can give to this platform.

Looking for proposal and creative ideas organize two meetup one in the city of Puerto la Cruz and another in the city of Lecherias:


The first was at a bar in the area with free entry, being the protagonist of the night the comedy, in this event attended by more than 100 people who were presented the platform in a different way with good humor, contests were held where steemit flannels were given and rich snacks and drinks were provided.


The second event was aimed at a smaller audience of the Meetup Sport athletes, there was a friendly football match in one of the most visited courts in the area and the teams were integrated with steemit users along with steemmits currently steemit users.


In addition to sincerely believing in this platform and wanting to see how steemirt can bring out the best in the people to whom I talk about this social network of the future, I also want to help many Venezuelans because, as I said before, we are going through a very difficult time, I currently see people who even working for companies or having an academic degree are in need of resorting to garbage dumps or go house to house or traffic lights in the area to ask for food to feed their families.

Young people who have stopped studying because paying for a career is very expensive, I want to bring to Venezuelans this tool and what I have called a blessing from God.

I do not want to just offer you this tool, I want to help you and teach you how to use it, how you faint if at first you do not get the desired results, that you continue to offer quality publications, I want you to learn to invest in cryptocurrencies, that they change their lives and the lives of the people of their environment, I want them to believe in themselves, that steemit is a reason to stay in their country and keep fighting.


I want to promote this wonderful platform, contribute our sources of work, I am Venezuelan and I live in my country, I believe in my country.

I really enjoy promoting and contributing to steemit, I have brought to the platform and to many users who currently contribute quality publications according to their talents (I leave some examples)

     @josyweed, @jesusw, @dexter.weed, @maribelquere97, @marcelo182, @angelicarame, 
    @enriquemartro,  @henrygds, @alejandrmarc, @adayinserrano, @edithrosalia, @tatorey,
     @uniazul, @mauro19717, @carlosparejo,  @carolina73, @hernan27, @martymcfly17, @nikkolatesla, 
     @silene.quere, @veronica.mart, @gero1977, @geronimo14, @jacksonquiaro, @jennyquiaro.

I have accumulated experience in the use of the tool, I am very sociable, I have a gift for public speaking and I have experience in the organization of events.

My plan is to take STEEMIT to the streets, to the universities, to the houses, to the sporting events, to the shopping centers, to the churches (where adults and young people are passionate and talented); I have offices where we can give the adistramientos, with an excellent team willing to work to take this platform to a higher level.

I hope to give the best of me, I know that together we can make steemit the most used social network in the world, look for sponsors, investors. Before saying goodbye I would like to acknowledge the entire team of @ promo-steem, @ steem-ambassador, @anarcotech, @stephenkendal who with their work are a great example for the whole community and especially to @starkerz who personally has been of impulse for the work that I want to play today.

And as my friend repeatedly writes @anarcotech:


If you like the work of #promo-steem and want to support to help grow our steemit community, we have set up a great system leveraging the steem blockchain to support promoters, here are a few things you can do to support the voluntaryist promoters who are out there working hard to promote our wonderful steemit platform, which in turn, raises the the value of all of our STEEM and improves the quality of peoples lives immensely for doing valuable work:

Join the curation trail for @steem-ambassador - Add a bit of your voting power to reward promoters! See joining instructions HERE

Delegate SP to @steem-ambassador - If you have the means, please consider delegating some Steem Power so we can incentivise promotional work. All curation rewards that @steem-ambassador earns will be returned to the delegator each quarter based on their share of the overall delegation, so this is an active investment too!

Follow our work, and get involved - Watch out for upcoming @steem-ambassador posts and give your approval to the Steem Ambassadors coming online.

Curate on posts tagged with #promo-steem - The more people offering upvotes to the promoters, the more attractive it becomes to do high quality promotional work...which remember helps EVERYONE here!

Do some promotional work yourself - blog about it using the #promo-steemtag, which is one of the fastest growing tags on the platform! There are so many ways you can do it, and we have a vibrant community who want to get stuck in with you!

Visit for inspiration, ideas, resources and communication for promoting steem.
(Text from @anarcotech)


Soy Venezolana, del oriente de mi pais, llegue en Junio del 2017 a esta fabulosa plataforma, jamas pense que yo pudiere lograr escribir, nunca llegue intentar incurcionar en la escritura pero uno de mis eslogan favorito es STEEMIT SACA LO MEJOR DE TI! y definitivamente esto fue lo que me sucedio, steemit me cautivo por completo, me ayudo a desorrallorme como escritora, a deselvolverme socialmente y por supuesto a mejorar mi economia.

Teniendo ya poco tiempo dentro de steemit quede tan enomorada que decidi trabajar auduamente en pro de la plataforma y comenzar mi trabajo para promocionarla, me encontre en steemit a mis amigos @starkerz y @stephenkendal quienes con su trabajo y apoyo me ha impulsado para poder lograr mi meta: "Promocionar en Venezuela a steemit".


En mi pais la situaciobn economica, social y politica no es nada facil, actualmente trabajar para una empresa y vivir de tu salartio no es suficiente para pagar los gatos mas elementales de una persona como lo son: la comida, la salud, educación, etc, pero somos personas guerreras, esforzadas que no nos rendimos ante la adversidad, llenos de muchas cualidades y talentos que podemos compatir dentro de esta plataforma.


En venezuela existen muy buenos cocineros, ingenieros, fotografos, diseñadores, pintores, musicos, escritores, artistas, economistas en fin estamos llenos de atributos que considero pueden ser buen aporte para el desarrollo de esta plataforma, pero para lograr esto, es necesario presentarles a los venezolanos a steemit la red social del futuro. Quiero dedicarme a captar gente con talentos, apasionados, respetuosos que quieran ser parte de algo grande, que pongan su confianza en steemit.


Hace pocos dias delegue a promo-steem en trail de curación de @ steem-embajador, esto con la finalidad de brindar apoyo a todos los usuarios que dia a dia aportan su grano de arena para ayudar a crecer a esta plataforma.

Con ayuda de @oscarcc89 y @osmerj diseñamos folletos y camisa e inmediatamente salimos a las calles a promocionar a steemit, creo que ir a los centros comerciales, universidades, plazas, colegios de artes, etc, es una de las mejores estrategias, de hecho entregamos folletos en centro comerciales de la zona dando a conocer Steemit al oriente de Venezuela.

(Diseño de @oscarcc89)

( entregando folletos en centros comerciales)

Mi plan es dedicar una vez cada 15 dias y entregar de folletos en todos estos sitios, conseguir acceso a las unicversidades para poder mostrar y enseñar el uso de la plataforma, no solamente propongo captar gente tambien enseñarles el buen uso y dominio que puede darle a esta plataforma.

Buscando propuesta e ideas creativas organize dos meetup uno en la ciudad de Puerto la Cruz y otro en la ciudad de Lecherias:


El primero fue en un bar de la zona con entrada libre, siendo el protagonista de la noche la comedia, en este evento donde asistieron mas de 100 personas a las cuales se les presento la plataforma de una manera diferente con buen humor, se realizaron concursos donde se dieron franelas de steemit y se les proporciono ricos pasapalos y bebidas.


El segundo evento dirigido a un publico mas reducido los deportistas Meetup Sport, alli se realizo un partido amistoso de futbol en una de las canchas mas visitadas de la zona y los equipos estaban integrados con usuarios de steemit junto a futuros steemianos actualmente usuarios de steemit.


Ademas de creer sinceramente en esta plataforma y querer ver como steemirt puede sacar lo mejor de las personas a quienes hablo sobre esta red social del futuro tambien quiero ayudar a muchos venezolanos ya que como dije anteriormente estamos pasando por un tiempo muy dificil, actualmente veo a personas que aun trabajando para empresas o teniendo un titulo academico se ven en la necesidad de recurrir a los basureros o ir casa por casa o semaforos de la zona a pedir comida para poder alimentar a sus familiares.

Jovenes que han dejado de estudiar porque costear una carrera es muy costoso, yo quiero traer a los venezolanos esta herramienta y a lo que yo he denominado una bendicion de Dios.

No quiero solamente ofrecerle esta herramienta quiero ayudarle y enseñarles a utilizarla, que desmayen si en un principio no logran obtener los resultados anhelados, que sigan ofreciendo publicaciones de calidad, quiero que aprendan a invertir en las criptomonedas, que cambien sus vidas y las vidas de las personas de su entorno, quiero que crean en ellos mismos, que steemit sea una razon por la cual quedarse en su pais y seguir luchando.


Quiero promocionar esta maravillosa plataforma, aportar nuesvas fuentes de trabajos, soy venezolana y vivo en mi pais, creo en mi pais.

Realmente disfruto promocionando y aportando a steemit, he traido a la plataforma ya a muchos usuarios que actualmente aportan publicaciones de calidad segun sus talentos ( Dejo algunos ejemplos)

     @josyweed, @jesusw, @dexter.weed, @maribelquere97, @marcelo182, @angelicarame, 
    @enriquemartro,  @henrygds, @alejandrmarc, @adayinserrano, @edithrosalia, @tatorey,
     @uniazul, @mauro19717, @carlosparejo,  @carolina73, @hernan27, @martymcfly17, @nikkolatesla, 
     @silene.quere, @veronica.mart, @gero1977, @geronimo14, @jacksonquiaro, @jennyquiaro.

he acumulado experiencia en el uso de la herramienta, soy muy sociable, tengo un don para la oratoria y tengo experencia en la organizacion de eventos.

Mi plan es llevar a STEEMIT a las calles, a las universidades, a las casas, a los eventos deportivos, a los centro comerciales, a las iglesias ( donde asisten adultos y jovenes apasionados y talentosos); cuento con oficinas donde podemos dar los adistramientos, con un excelente equipo dispuestos a trabajar para llevar a esta plataforma a un niel mas alto.

Espero dar lo mejor de mi, se que juntos podemos hacer de steemit la red social mas utilizada en el mundo, busquemos patrocinatos, inversionistas. Antes de despedirme quisiera dar un reconocimiento a todo el equipo de @promo-steem, @steem-ambassador, @anarcotech, @stephenkendal quienes con su trabajo son de gran ejemplo para toda la comunidad y muy especialmente a @starkerz quien en lo personal ha sido de impulso para la labor que hoy quiero desempeñar.

Y como escribe en reiterada ocasiones mi amigo @anarcotech:


Si te gusta el trabajo de # promo-steem y quieres apoyar para ayudar a hacer crecer nuestra comunidad steemit, hemos establecido un gran sistema aprovechando el blockchain de steem para apoyar a los promotores, aquí hay algunas cosas que puedes hacer para apoyar a los promotores voluntarios que estamos trabajando arduamente para promover nuestra maravillosa plataforma Steemit, que a su vez, aumenta el valor de todos nuestros STEEM y mejora enormemente la calidad de vida de las personas para hacer un trabajo valioso:

Únase al trail de curación de @ steem-embajador. ¡Agregue un poco de su poder de voto para recompensar a los promotores! Vea las instrucciones para unirse AQUÍ

Delegue SP en @steem-embajador. Si tiene los medios, considere la posibilidad de delegar algo de Steem Power para que podamos incentivar el trabajo promocional. Todas las recompensas de curaduría que gana @ steem-embajador serán devueltas al delegador cada trimestre en función de su parte de la delegación general, ¡así que esta también es una inversión activa!

Siga nuestro trabajo e involúcrese: tenga cuidado con las próximas publicaciones de @steem-ambassador y dé su aprobación a los embajadores de Steem que estarán en línea.

Cura en posts etiquetados con # promo-steem: cuanta más gente ofrezca votaciones ascendentes a los promotores, más atractivo se vuelve hacer trabajos promocionales de alta calidad ... ¡que recordar ayuda a TODOS aquí!

Realice usted mismo un trabajo de promoción: blogéelo utilizando el #promo-steemtag, ¡que es una de las etiquetas de mayor crecimiento en la plataforma! ¡Hay tantas maneras en que puede hacerlo, y tenemos una comunidad vibrante que quiere atascarse con usted!

Visite para obtener inspiración, ideas, recursos y comunicación para promocionar Steem.

(Texto de @anarcotech)


It's great to see you working for this beautiful platform and be part of your work team ... congratulations, to continue working

You've done a great job, all the meetups have been beautiful and many people have joined this network

I was able to attend one and me and from there I joined, it is a great platform, thanks @milagros for spreading the great thing that is steemit

Congratulations, daughter, I know you've worked hard to promote Steemit, and thank God a lot of people have integrated. for me the best was the steemit comedy was great

sister I wish you the best in your promotions, thanks to you has improved my life, since I met steemit, my economy changed.

hello, miracles, I hope everything goes well, to continue working ..

Excellent - wonderful to have another application from Venezuela - best of luck to you......

thank you very much! top promo-steem

regards :)

hi aunt, I hope you continue to be successful, greetings and kisses

What a great application!!! :)

Thank you :)

Hello, Thanks for such a great application and all the fantastic work you have been doing to increase awareness about the steem blockchain and its potential applications!

We at #promo-steem and @steem-ambassador have reviewed your application to become a Steem Ambassador and we are pleased to say that we would like to propose your candidacy to the community per the Application Approval Process HERE!!! :)

In order to proceed we would like to know that you are happy to follow the Steem Ambassador Responsibilities and Guidelines outlined HERE & HERE.

Please respond below with your positive response and we will proceed to propose you to the Steemit community as a Steem Ambassador!!


I am very happy and grateful for your comment, I have read all the duties and responsibilities and I am with everything proposed! I agree to work with @steem-Ambassador in favor of this fabulous platform. thank you very much for taking me into account!!

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