This Secret Extends Your Amazon Affiliate Cookie From 24 Hours To 90 Days

in #amazon8 years ago

I have some really important information for you today about the Amazon Associates Program that
affects your commissions. There is one specific Amazon rule that controls whether an affiliate has 1 day or 90 days to
land a referred sale.

Amazon has fairly extensive legal documentation that governs the exact rules of their affiliate
program, and many affiliates do not bother to read them or may not completely understand them.

Clause #7 of the Associates Program Operating Agreement details how and when you get credit
for referring a sale. The first thing that you need to understand about this clause is this statement...

"A session begins when a customer clicks through a Special Link on your site to the Amazon Site and ends upon the first to occur of the following: (x) 24 hours elapse from
that click". The "Special Link" in that statement is your Amazon affiliate product link commonly used
to refer sales.

It simply means that when someone clicks your link, you only get credit when the sale takes
place within 24 hours. Unless your website visitors are taking immediate action to buy the products you
promote, you are likely losing sales.

It is common practice to promote higher priced products for higher commissions. However, a lot of consumers will wait more than 24 hours before actually buying those higher priced goods - they may need to talk
to their spouse first or simply wait until they get paid.

Fortunately, there is something that you can do about this problem. There is one exception in Amazon's rules
that allows for more time beyond that 24 hour time limit - read this statement,
still from clause #7...

"a Qualifying Purchase” occurs when (a) a customer clicks through a Special Link
on your site to the Amazon Site; (b) during a single Session that customer either (i)
adds a Product to his or her shopping cart and places the order for that Product no
later than 89 days following the customer's initial click-through, (ii) purchases a
Product via our 1-Click feature".

Take note of the sentence that includes the words "89 days". When someone adds a product to their Amazon
shopping cart, you'll get credit for the sale as long as it happens within 90 days
of the initial click.

Some people may immediately add a product they want to their shopping cart but a lot
of others won't and you won't get credit for those sales.

There is one way to get around this rule though - Amazon has an API system that
has a shopping cart system. That system can actually be utilized to
send ALL of your traffic to Amazon with the 90 day time limit.

The bad news is that you need to be a programmer to set up that system.

However, the good news is that another programmer has already done this for you.

A new WordPress plugin for Amazon affiliates allows you to tap into the
power of the Amazon shopping cart system and the 90 day time limit.

It is simple to use and can be quickly implemented into any existing Amazon site.

Take a look at it and get a copy for yourself on the page below:

this is not an affiliate link:

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