in #amazingnature4 years ago

When I was harvesting okra, eggplant and winged bean this morning, I saw a graceful butterfly, dressed in black, white and a touch of blue, circling around.

I wanted to take a snap right away, with #butterflyday by @whatisnew in mind. But, this black beauty before me was scared, even with my slightest movement. Whenever I go near her, she would fly away.

I have been chasing it for about ten minutes, and about to give up, when she attractively landed in our moringa tree.

I moved closer with so much care, too afraid I would scare it away again.




This is the most decent that I can take.



But then it flew again to the wall. And there I saw that its wings have a touch of blue! I am beyond amazed how artistically Jehovah God painted this butterfly! He is indeed a Master Artist that any human's masterpiece pales in comparison to His artistry!

What an amazing nature we have!


I do not do anything with butterflies. I always welcome them to our garden. It is always a beautiful sight to have them actually. And I know that their visit would benefit our flowers greatly too. I think, in Science, their relationship is called MUTUALISM. Both of them benefits from each other.


This is an entry to #amazingnature by @adalger,

this is also an entry to #ButterflyDay by @whatisnew
"What Do You Do With ...?" by @gertu, with butterfly as the theme for this week.


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She is a beauty; a flying work of art for sure. Nature never ceases to amaze me! It is a good thing you didn't give up. Patience is the key, especially with butterflies. Thanks for welcoming her to your garden and for these great photos @gingbabida! : )

Thank you @whatisnew. You are right, patience is the key. I have to cultivate that attitide more. Hahaha! 😂

They are always and always a pleasant sight. I do not have a heart to chase them away.

Es una mariposa con muchos encantadores colores. Que bueno saber que posó para tí y te sirve para base de varios concursos. Te deseo un gratificante día. Y muy buena cosecha. @gingbabida.

It is a butterfly with many lovely colors. Good to know that she posed for you and serves you as a basis for several competitions. I wish you a rewarding day. And very good harvest. @gingbabida.

Thank you @gertu. 😍

I am glad you managed to capture this little beauty ^^ .. Butterflies and moths for sure have some amazing patterns ;) .. I remember that I also was chasing some bees one day as they were flying around non stop. But it can be a lot of fun, hehe ^^

Oh yes. It was sure fun chasing a butterfly. But I would never do that to a bee. I'm afraidit might attack me. 😢

Number 4.

No one seems to do anything with butterflies. I guess it's no longer hot to catch them with a butterfly net, kill and stuff them and pin them to the wall. 🤔
Or perhaps people do in certain circles but not here and will not admit they do because they will be scold at.

Most of us do not like other animals who do out plants good too. There are many ways nature can be helped. Wind, birds, bugs, animals including dogs, monkeys, animals with fur...

Be careful who you invite. At times they harm the plants more as they benefit it.
Happy harvesting!/What will you do with all of it or you only harvest for a day or two and eat it right away?


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Yes, aphids are uninvited in our garden. Hahaha! 😂

We eat most of them. If we harvest too many, then we give to neighbors and friends.

Will it not get rotten fast or you put it in a freezer or jars?
Kind to give it to the neighbors I hope they give you too. 👍💕

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