🌿Amazing Nature

My entry for the
#AmazingNature Contest #3 by @adalger

I came across this Doll's Eye plant back in early September growing not to far away from my cabin.

The many white fruits with the little black dots that look like pupils definitely gives you the feeling many eyes are looking right back at you.
It's totally amazing to think nature is watching us...👀👀👀 ! Really makes you think.


From everything I've read it states Baneberry is very toxic. If I hadn't already known this I still wouldn't have picked the berries. It's hard to put into words but just by looking at the berries you get a strong feeling/sense you should NOT eat them.

White baneberry (Actaea pachypoda)



By mid October the Dolls Eyes had all disappeared. Perhaps the Turkeys or chipmunks ate them all. From what I read the berries are not toxic to them.
A few leave stalks could still be seen. They were no longer standing upright but laying on the ground ontop a small Hemlock sapling.

Photos taken by



@annephilbrick that is a creepy plant but also beautiful.

😊 !!
Thank You !
The Dolls -Eyes plant is sooooo cool.
I'm always absolutely excited when I see it. It so totally unique...!!!!!

This is really a beautiful plant:-)

😊 !!
Thank You
It truly is beautiful and so very unique.
Mother Nature is so most amazing..

Have a good day 😀

Such a beautiful entry ^^ it really looks like some pupils ! .. especially the second picture looks like it may scare some animals away, hehe ;) .. it seems that mother earth had a creative day back in the days ^^

Thank You !!
The Dolls-Eyes plant is absolutely stunning. Nature is so most awesome. I'm totally in love with the wonder of it all.... Daily GRATITUDE....!!!!!!!
Mother Earth 😘..

Fantastic photos of those berries. I had never heard them called dolls eyes before. That is exactly what they look like though, isn't it?

Thank You !
They are so totally cool and unique.
They do like they have many eyes

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