🌿 Amazing Nature Contest

My entry for the
#amazingnature Contest hosted by @adalger

The Eastern Red-spotted Newt is an amazing little amphibian.
I see them more often in the fall near my cabin and in the shady damp areas in the woods.


My cabin located very close to a large marsh with 9 acres of just wetlands alone that provides an ideal habitat for them.


It's not unusual to see them in my garden or moving across my walkway real early in the morning or late in the day. Thank goodness they are so very brightly colored otherwise I could accidentally step on one.


The orange color is a warning to predators. I'm in no way their predator but I'm happy to be able to easily see them.
Truly Amazing nature is when you pause, smile and enjoy seeing a beautiful little Newt.

Photography by



It almost looks velvet.

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😊 !!
They really are awesome little creatures.
When I was a child I used spend hours in the woods looking for them. I was totally fascinated by them. Still am and they always make me smile..😊

I found a dark gray one living inside a mushroom that collected a pool of water in it. It was a tiny little inch and a half guy.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's totally awesome ... !!!!

I'll have to search my old phone for the picture, if i remember correctly none of them turned out too good.

I would enjoy seeing the photos if you can find them @sketch.and.jam

@annephilbrick He is so cute, if they lived here I would have names for each one. This one looks like a Leroy. lol Do they go dormant in the winter?

They do hibernate for the Winter. It's truly amazing how the amphibians survive the bitter cold Winter's. Some live underneath the frozen lakes. Some bury themselves down into the forest floor.
Leroy...🤗😉.. fantastic name..!!!

@annephilbrick wow that is amazing that they can survive and being so little, how in the world do they not freeze like a pop cycle? Glad you like the name.

Hello @annephilbrick!
This is a great post!! We really appreciate your work and efforts.

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Nice Job!!
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By the people ⚪ For the people

Thank You so very very..!!!

What a amazing color never seen one like that...wow :))

😊 !
They truly are amazing little amphibians. I really enjoy seeing...🤗

What a cute little fellow ^^ .. he looks so camouflaged between those brown leaves. I did not know there is so much marsh area close to you .. there must be a whole bunch of amazing animals visiting your garden every day, hehe ;)

They truly are cute little amphibians..!
I absolutely love having so much wetland around me. A wonderful amazing diversity of wildlife !!!!!!!! Gratitude..!
I wish I had a real good camera with a zoom lens...!!!
The Geese like visiting my garden. I've even had Snapping Turtles checking it out looking for a place to lay there eggs.

An amazing capture of nature Annie. 😊

Thank You...!!!!!
I truly enjoy seeing them in the woods and near my cabin.
They always make me smile

This is an absolutely adorable set of pictures <3 I'm so happy i got to see that little newt.

Thank You..!
I'm most glad you enjoyed the pictures of the little Newt.

Look at how cute they are! I haven't seen a newt in years.

😊 @melinda010100
They really are cute...!
I really enjoy seeing them now and I truly did when I was growing up.
I would sometimes bring one in the house and show it to my Grandmother and ask her if I could keep it. She insisted I return it to where I found it because it die if kept it inside. Grandmother's are right 💕.

A wise grandmother, indeed!

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