19 Ridiculously Expensive Versions of Everyday Things You Won't Believe Really Exist

in #amazing6 years ago

A wise man once said "Mo money mo problems."

And while that may certainly be true in some instances, I actually think that in many cases, mo money actually means fewer problems. Crazy, right?

One problem the extremely wealthy may have is deciding how many money angels to make in all their sweet, sweet cash.

(Unsupported https://giphy.com/embed/LCdPNT81vlv3y)

Obviously, they have very important rich people things they need to do with their day. They can’t spend all of their time making money angels. At the same time, though, it would be a shame if all their cold, hard cash felt neglected. What a quandary!

There’s also the problem of deciding whether to get normal, everyday things or splurging for the luxury versions. What do I mean by luxury versions? Oh, you’ll see. Read on, my friend.

Let's start with toothpaste.

via: Twitter

I buy my toothpaste at the dollar store. It costs $1 and it tastes delicious (#Pepsodent4Life).

But this? This toothpaste costs $100 per tube. One hundred dollars. Do you know how many tubes of Pepsodent I could buy for $100?

100 of them. (Not including tax.)

How much do you think this jump rope costs?

via: Twitter

If you guessed $200…you’re wrong.

Because it costs $250. Why? Well, I have no idea, to be honest.

OK, how about this candle?

via: Twitter

Looks like any old candle you’d see at Target, huh? Well, it’s basically exactly the same as those except for one distinct difference: This one costs $470.

If you have money to burn, this is the candle you should use to do it.

And if you have money to wipe your butt with...

via: Imgur

I recommend this toilet paper which costs $1.3 million per roll. I know, I know, that’s quite the splurge. But it’s 3-ply. Worth it.

How much would you pay for a fancy bottle of water? Probably less than what this next company is asking…

- The story continues 1/4-

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