19 Genius and Innovative Restaurant Menus That Will Have You Booking Your Next Reservation

in #amazing6 years ago

Eating out is one of life's great joys!

There are so many different cool restaurants all around the world.

And you can tell a lot about a restaurant from its menu.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/3tW5cUpJAd8ic" width="480" height="311" frameborder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

These 19 menus come from particularly clever restaurants that you will definitely wan to eat at by the end of this list.

via: Imgur

Can’t tell your lattés from your macchiatos? This menu has you covered. It shows you exactly what’s in that fancy coffee drink you’re ordering.

via: Reddit

Yes, this sushi menu has a Rick Roll…which just rickrolls you.

Sorry not sorry.

This lovely menu addition

via: Reddit

Do you need a hug? Luckily, this menu has you covered. And the best thing about it is it’s free! Can’t beat those prices.

via: Imgur

This menu cleverly decodes exactly what your kid is actually saying when they are screaming and throwing tantrums at the deli counter.

The next one is great for the charitable diner…

- The story continues 1/4-

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