You Don't Have To Be Perfect To Be Amazing

in #amazing6 years ago (edited)

You Don't Have To Be Perfect To Be Amazing

Many people at some point have felt broken and are not able to fit in the world because of failures or mistakes. I have been there myself. Since the day you are born, you were born already amazing, never forget that. The world is already imperfect and miserable for many, so why not to take a different direction?

We all came to have experiences to learn from them, to evolve to the next levels we signed up for. Believe or not, this simulation is a sort of a Matrix that we need to figure out how to survive and live life the way we want. We have the power to generate any reality with your body and soul, the only thing you have to do is visualize and dream big.


So you don't need to be perfect to be amazing and live an amazing life. Our galaxy is traveling through high energy clouds as we speak, and it is giving us high vibrations full of love and hope. Yes, it sounds like a spiritual intervention. My point is that as long as you vibrate with energies coming from LOVE, HOPE and JOY, you will get the benefits of the high vibration coming to us. It will embrace you and empower you in a way you have not idea.

This is why I write what I write, because I would love to take all of you with me in this wonderful trip and changes we all need to go through to fly instead of walking. This is exactly how you change the world, by changing yourself and providing a little a bit of kindness everyday.

"You are already amazing, don't try to be so perfect"

Many blessings to all of you my friends.


"You are already amazing, don't try to be so perfect"
"Love is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get"
"Be there for your love ones when it rains, they know you'll stand with them when it shines"
"The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"
"Save yourself, Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility"
"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you"
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself"
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.

Note: Each post is created out of life experiences and personal opinion. There is nothing written in stone, your opinion is valuable and can be different.



Buenos dias , @javybar, esoy totalmente de acuerdo con usted , lo que eres y como te sientes contigo mismo es lo que irradias , podemos lograr lo que deseamos , basta con positivismo y trabajo constante .
Feliz dia :)

Asi mismo mi amiga. Muchisimas gracias por su valiosa opinion :)

Aver javybar , a dormir ja, ja ,ja , estamos a estas horas en steemit , me encanta comentar ya ve usted , para los post , no soy muy buena , mi hijo me ayuda.
Cuando sea una ballena , usted recibia un voto muy grande todos los dias, sera millonario gracias a mi , ojala sea asi , cierto, para ayudarles a los demas .
Feliz noche :)

You are absolutely right.. Dear .Golden words, my friend, we are all beautiful in our own way dont have to be perfact to be amazing .we lean our mistake .we are bron with powerful brain and mind. Improve your human relation .relationships increase our quality .thanks for shring your post .

I like your thaughts about humanity . And you are right man can change the world with change his self . 1 we should change our self then change the world . And every one want to change his life and become success we should make hard work and think positive and believe our selfs

SO much true coming from you my friend. we can do things at our own pace, just be yourself, dream big and wish the best to others. Thank you :)

Yes you are right dear @javybar I tottaly agree with you because every body born amazing and he want to be perfect his self but there is more difficulties but its up to you how you can achieve your goals

very true my friend. you are very welcome :)

well said . in this world nothing is perfect...changes take place in everything at every is the name of changes .you should do an amazing activities in this life...
thanks for inspirational article

I agreed with you! No one is perfect even can't be perfect.

So we don't need to be perfect for living amazing life.

you got it!! :)

Well yes buddy like you I have been as well been in that position of broke but it gradually changed and all the people out there who are in this state I should say that just hang in there and do not loose hope ,you sure are gonna overcome this period.

Thank you for changing the world. These changes will further change you. Good luck to you and Love.

Спасибо, что меняете мир. Эти изменения еще больше изменят Вам. Удачи Вам и Любви.

Very true my friend. It has definitely changed me a lot :)

Perfection can just be seen in the stories and dreams. In reality no one is perfect and that's why to become amazing you don't have to be perfect one. One more thing, every person needs improvements at any stage of the life even if they are very successful in their career. There is always a need of improvement.

We just have to be ourself and be like that forever

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