War horse #strong#photography(amazing)

in #amazing7 years ago (edited)


19 by @goberabadi @steem @steemit @bitcoin '' Surat AL ADIYAT ''

(war horse racing fast)
For the sake of the war horse that ran panting hard, and the horse sparkling sparks (with the blow of his toenails), and the horse that attacked in the morning,
so fly the dust,
then stormed into the middle of a collection of enemies.

Truly, the man is very disobedient, (not thankful) to his Lord,
and verily he (men) witnessed (confess) his unbelief;
and indeed his love for property is really excessive.

then does not he know if what is in the grave is issued,
and what is in the chest born?
Indeed, their Lord on that Day was anxiously aware of their circumstances. (Surah Al 'Adiyat: 1-11). #photoaceh

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#amazingaceh #eSteem #aceh #indonesia

# Indonesia

19 oleh @goberabadi @steem @steemit @bitcoin '' Surat AL ADIYAT ''

(kuda perang yang sedang kencang)
Demi kuda perang yang sedang kencang terengah-engah, dan kuda yang memercikkan bunga api, dan kuda yang menyerang pada waktu pagi,
jadi menerbangkan debu,
lalu menyerbu ke tengah-tengah kumpulan musuh.

Sungguh, manusia itu sangat ingkar, (tidak bersyukur) kepada Tuhannya,
dan sesungguhnya dia (manusia) menyaksikan (gol) keingkarannya;
dan sesungguhnya cintanya untuk harta benar-benar berlebihan.

maka tidakkah dia tahu apa yang ada di dalam kubur dikeluarkan,
dan apa yang tersimpan di dalam dada sah?
Sungguh, Tuhan mereka pada hari itu Mahateliti terhadap keadaan mereka. (QS Al 'Adiyat: 1-11). #fotoaceh

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#amazingaceh #eSteem #aceh #indonesia


there really is also like that in other parts of the world, I was surprised

in many other worlds, but few people know it.
new regards for you my new friend at @steemit. .

what are you doing there, I want to know

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