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RE: Wonderful Plants... & Water

in #amazing6 years ago (edited)

This is a great continuation to your post about altering water through intentions. There is definitely a lot of uncharted 'waters' in this field (pun accomplished). The idea that intentionality is a force that supersedes the speed of light, through some sort of undetectable dimension, and that it can alter matter and behavior of living organisms... is just mind-blowing and sounds very intuitive but it contradicts the known laws of nature which are set in hard science... Still, though it is not proven, i think it is a net positive to attempt to practice this theory.

And thank you for referencing me in your article! <3


Thanks so much for responding again, @ankapolo! Nothing is proven, indeed. Science is the art of constantly disproving existing theories or we would have never passed beyond Newton's "laws" or swapped Hoyle's static and eternal universe with the expanding one that started with a big bang and will probably end when entropy has done it's destructive work.

So I find it frustrating that the hard sciences simply seem to refuse to look further into the things they know exist but can't imagine how to prove, like the many past-life experiences I wrote about earlier.

I looked it up: water has 74 so called "anomalies", behaviors that are not logical as no other liquid exhibits them. It is the most common molecule on the planet, all life started in it, but we know next to nothing about it yet. What we do know is that if water didn't have this anomalous behavior, life wouldn't exist. So it's a mystery to me why scientists don't en masse jump on the opportunity to try and replicate those old experiments.

I know that I'm still not done with this subject ;-)

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