Dried Flowers, Anyone?

Hello friends in this lovely community. This is my first time to post here and I hope you enjoy this one.

We have this plant in the garden that blooms these little flowers. My wife forgot the name but I Googled it and it turns out that this is a Fuschia Lantern plant.



We also have a lot of bougainvillea plants with different colored flowers. These are a couple of them.


We also have a rose plant that blooms such small white or sometimes pinkish flowers.

My daughter, a few months ago, started drying these flowers and leaves for a project she intended to do but never had the time to finish it. This is how it turned out after she dried them.
The pink flowers are the bougainvillea. The white ones are from the rose plant. So are the leaves. The brown ones are the dried fuschia lantern plant. A few days ago, my wife decided to frame these dried flowers and this is how it turned out.



What do you think?

And that ends this post. I would like to thank my daughter for sharing some of her pics on the subject (those with links). I couldn't for the life of me get my phone to take a clear picture of the framed dried flowers. Here are some of them that did not come out quite well and had to be taken out of the main post. Yes this is the blooper section:




Hope you are all having a great week. Stay safe, wear those masks, keep your distance and God bless you all!

(Except otherwise indicated, all photos are mine.)

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