Obama Mocked Trump Saying he Couldn't Bring Jobs Back. Look Who's Laughing Now.

Barack Obama mocked "What are you going to do? Waive a magic wand?" To Donald Trump on saying he would bring the jobs back to America.

Now look who is laughing. Donald Trump is not even the president yet and he is already committing his promises.
Don't Let all the BS Mainstream Media fool you into thinking he is not a man of his word.

Mr. Trump has been proving people wrong for a while now and I think it is time to see what he can do with this country.

Hopefully all the programmed sheeple out there will eventually see that he is not the big bad wolf like the media made him out to look like.

Donald Trump loves his country and really wants it to be great again and I am 100% ready to see it myself.


It's the contrast between an activist and a successful business person.
There is no substitute for experience, it doesn't matter what color your skin is or what sex you are.

Alright, Donald is doing some good, time for me to give him the benefit of a doubt again!

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