
Flag? What do you mean

The censorship flag, it is right next to every comment, and at the top right of every single post. It gives people the ability to effectively hide comments and posts, and amounts to a complete disrespect of our freedoms of speech, thought and opinion.

Once that feature has been removed, i will invest in steem, but not while it still exists. :)

There has to be some controls otherwise people can post horrid content. The point of Steemit is not everyone can just post any junk. Steem is about ESteem as in what is worthy of being eSteemed. I have had decades of forum moderator experience and it's all great to say "free speech" but sometimes it's not so simple. There are circumstances where something should be hidden, but remember it can still be found in

I'm really sorry but I have to disagree, no matter what people post, it is their freedom to do so. The financial incentive should stop most crappy posts, but at present it just forces the new comers to constantly shitpost to get any kind of rewards.

An alternative to the flag, would be a down vote which removes value, rather than suppressing the post. As long as it remains how it is, this place is no different from facebook, so I wont invest until all our freedoms are respected by the platform, if I thought this place would turn into facebook I never would have signed up myself. :(

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