What’s Moving? (in crypto)

in #altcoins5 years ago

Like most crypto holders, my portfolio is performing rather well at the moment.

However, some of my coins are clearly outperforming the others. As a rather diverse portfolio holder, I thought I would share with you some of my coins which I have seen doing well lately, and those which may continue to do well in the near to medium-term future. I’m not saying “buy these coins”, I’m saying – consider these coins if you are looking for something to buy, because they seem to be doing well at the moment.

Of course just because a coin is doing well at the moment, it doesn’t automatically mean that it is a good coin. BSV is doing brilliantly this week; I find that to be both hilarious and sad at the same time. A lot of people are going to lose money on the faketoshi coin if they buy the hype! Even worse: other rather worthless Bitcoin forks and spin-offs have started moving along with it: BCD and BTG are doing very well too. I can only think that this is the work of very inexperienced traders who are going for anything cheap which has the word “Bitcoin” in its name. XRP has also been doing fairly well – by now my readers will probably know my thoughts on that not-really-a crypto coin. Mind you, if you look at the likes of JP Morgan coin or Facebook’s proposed GlobalCoin, then even Ripple is decentralised by comparison! 😂

I will leave some of my very lowest market cap coins out of this post. They may have great returns, but that’s only due to low liquidity causing very high volatility. Okay, let’s see what’s moving…

From coingecko.com

What’s Moving?

The image above is from my “Favourites” list on CoinGecko. It’s the list of coins I hold arranged in order of decreasing 7-day performance. As a reference: at time of writing, Bitcoin has climbed 13.6% in 7 days. I won’t necessarily mention all the coins on that list (it’s along list – what you see above is only a part of it), just those I think are relevant.

Platform coins:

The market goes through phases. At the moment it appears as if platforms are becoming popular again. This is a very recent trend, it really only started to grab hold this week. Of all the various types of cryptocurrencies available, I consider platforms to be the best investments for the long-term.


EOS started moving a week ago and is making major steady gains. While it is already a very high market cap coin, this is a bullish sign for EOS and an indication that it may hold its place on the market cap ladder for some time to come. EOS has gained 36.5% in the last week, veryimpressive!

Holo (HOT)

After dipping to as low as 15 sats on 14 May, Holo took off like it had a bomb beneath it! It more than doubled it’s sats price before dropping back to the current level of 28 sats – though the sats price varies a few sats each day. Overall Holo appears to be climbing strongly. I’m happy to have bought more at 19 sats during the last dip! It’s weekly climb is 41.5%, but could add to that rapidly!

Made by Bit Brain with TradingView


It appears as if my favourite coin is finally stirring from its slumber. After a test climb in mid-May. NEO has already broken through the 12, 13 and 14 USD marks this week. It hasn’t looked this bullish in a very long time! NEO sits at a 24.6% gain for the last 7 days.


At only a 16.3% gain in 7 days, ONT is not exactly flying ahead of BTC. But: ONT has been steadily climbing this year (in USD terms). Solid, slow growth is always a very good sign! BTC left it behind when it made rapid gains, but ONT is once again outperforming BTC now.

From https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ontology


The granddaddy of platform coins has had an amazing month. It’s only up 14.7% this week, but for the month it is up over 85%! Not bad for such a large market cap coin!

From https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ethereum


I would hesitate to call it a “star performer” yet, but Icon has gained over 14% this last week and is also showing signs of becoming bullish.


Tron has done amazingly well: 30% this week and 55% this month. I still think Tron is over-hyped, but the volume increase is impressive (as seen below).

From https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/tron

Non-platform coins:


I have long lamented the fact that a coin with such great fundamentals has not performed in 2019. Meanwhile: I have bought it over and over and over again, taking advantage of a coin that stays cheap while the market around it booms. This week we saw signs that CargoX may finally be turning the corner. Volume is up and the coin has made a 27.7% gain this week. Guys, listen carefully: market cap is still below $1.5 million! If this coin takes off…

This is what CargoX is up to this week: https://cargox.io/press-releases/full/g2ocean-blockchain-push-paper-bill-lading-retirement/ But hey, what do I know about crypto, right?


I wrote about opacity earlier this month. Perhaps a few of you read that post, because ever since then it has been doing rather well! I wish I could take credit for that, but I’m sure that the real reason is that Opacity has solid fundamental reasons for it to climb in price. It’s up 18.4% this week and a whopping 82.5% this month!


The coin that keeps me waiting, but also the coin that I am willing to keep waiting for. Nash should soon launch the best decentralised exchange in the world. That’s big news. Price is starting to move accordingly with Nash’s NEX token up 42.5% this week!


The little exchange that nobody knows about. NEXT has been quietly building itself up in the background of crypto – doing things right and slowly building a following. The last time I looked at it it was still in Beta, but it appears as if they have now launched some kind of wallet and interface. At a gain of 120% in 7 days, NEXT is my top performer this week!


The-once-very-popular – now-forgotten logistics coin is making a comeback. Walton climbed 17.5% this week, mostly in the last two days. This could get interesting…


Looking for another really cheap coin with massive potential? MyWish is an old favourite of mine, but one that almost disappeared into obscurity. But don’t wait too long, because this just happened!

From https://twitter.com/mywishplatform

MyWish is up 18.9% this week. It would have moved to Binance Chain sooner, but the Binance hack caused a slight delay.


I hold ZCash as a long-term hold, I don’t think that the time for privacy coins has arrived yet. That will come after a few people learn the hard way why they are so important. ZEC is up 35% this week, 65% this month! Perhaps a few other investors see its long-term potential.


This coin is WAY too unknown for what it is!

One of my strongest performers of the year has been UTrust. It’s climb has been rock steady and strong right from the start of the year! UTrust is up almost 250% in 2019! It’s up 100% this month and over 18% this week. With good fundamentals, why would you not buy it?

From https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/utrust
That is a VERY strong looking chart!


It’s not to say that these are the best buys right now, but the coins mentioned today HAVE been performing well lately! Look around, there may be a few other coins which have not performed as well, but which should soon make a comeback. Coins like DeepBrain Chain, Binance Coin and Enjin Coin climbed a little too fast, dropped down, but should now climb again. Other coins like Golem, Civic, Blocknet, WAX and TenX didn’t make the cut for this post (or it would have been too long), but have done well nonetheless.

I want to give a shout-out and special word of thanks to @CoinGecko for giving me permission to use their charts from now on. In an ironic twist of fate, CMC have changed their policy so that their charts may not be reproduced publicly without specific permission. So you will be seeing a LOT more CoinGecko charts in my blogs – I hope that the publicity sends you running in their direction! CoinGecko is my favourite coin tracking website and they do a great job. I should mention that I also use their API with my personal automated spreadsheet for tracking my crypto portfolio (it works very well), and many other features of their site which I don’t mention in my blogs.

From twitter.com

Yours in crypto

Bit Brain

Featured image from https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/view-image.php?image=176106&picture=fast-sport-car

"The secret to success: find out where people are going and get there first" 

~ Mark Twain

"Crypto does not require institutional investment to succeed; institutions require crypto investments to remain successful" 

~ Bit Brain

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with SteemPress


Interesting to see a handful of altcoins outperforming bitcoin which is expected as the potential for growth are probably larger there longer term!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah, that's the job I've tasked my altcoins with: outperform BTC.
Usually they don't listen!

Impressive portfolio BB

That's probably because I'm only showing the good performers, there are plenty of bad ones in my portfolio too!

Great portfolio. I also feel that privacy coins haven't taken over yet but just like you have Zcash, I have loaded up on Veil coin. Its also a privacy coin.

Remember that the purpose of a privacy coin is to act as a medium of exchange. For that purpose, high liquidity is a must. I would advise against buying obscure privacy coins - there is little chance of them achieving success.

Coin Marketplace

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