Review About Library.

in #altcoin6 years ago


In the currently existing online file sharing service field we see three main problems that have to be solved. These problems apply both to already existing and to newly created content in future, as well as both to popular and to specific, original content. As a solution to these problems we see a creation of legal and free to use digital file library that provides the service for society where people can conveniently store, access, search and share useful content online with copyrights done right. Library (FFL) to ensure data preservation for future generations, to eradicate illegal file sharing and to provide a convenient and searchable free to use file sharing. FFL corner stones will be usability, community and content.

In the file sharing field there exists and have existed several solutions and Internet services since the nineties: Bulletin Board systems (BBS), FTP servers, RapidShare, Megaupload are some notable examples of centralized ones, were huge and popular decentralized file sharing P2P networks once. P2P networks still exist and are widely used because of the content that is available there. Most people use them not because of they want to break the law but because the content is not easily available in any other legal way. P2P networks are still popular because they work well – they are fast and relatively simple to use for users.

FFL will seriously focus on the legal issues in file sharing. We will implement technologies for illegal content control as well we will cooperate with content creators. FFL will use various technologies and techniques for content control, artificial intelligence and community involvement. FFL will follow and comply with the content publishing law regarding content creators and owners. We are going to establish FFL as a legal library in EU, USA and other regions of the world and will follow the rules of relevant legislation. This means that there is a large amount of data that people store on their computer that will never be seen or used again. However, these materials could be useful to someone else if they were published or they might acquire value with time. There are currently 4,1 billion active Internet users3 and it can be assumed that most of these users have some useful files they have been storing on their computers for years that they have never uploaded publicly.

Developing digital library systems can be difficult and resource-intensive, however a set of main principles and practices has been developed to ensure that the library is beneficial and successful. Nowadays, only Google-like, Facebook and similar giants with a massive infrastructure can provide hyper webscale storage platforms. Nevertheless, even Dropbox and Google Drive prevents users from sharing files in bulk, for example, by blocking traffic for 24 hours after only tens of downloads. Library will be a free to use hybrid-decentralized P2P data platform, built and maintained through the collective efforts of the and community, based on shared traffic, storage, direct micropayments and token incentives. FFL will combine the existing digital library creation principles with new hybrid semi-decentralized technology, using P2P fog network of web browsers in order to reduce the costs and limitations of centralized digital libraries. platform implements hybrid semi-decentralized FOG computing network of web browsers and features in order to provide both high download and upload speeds, as well as safety and fail-safes against file loss.

FFL Tokens are offered to the community for their active participation in maintaining and improving the FFL. Tokens use blockchain technology to ensure transparency and complete honesty of all given transactions. In order to ensure the quality of user uploads and edits users will have to deposit a token to do these actions. Users will be able to search and download Public domain (free) objects, like stock photos or videos, books, education and academic materials, and access paid content as well.

For FFL development we are going to use the technical base of our existing system that we created in 2008 and have been continuously improving until nowadays. The main actions that can be done in the FFL system by users are content search, use, adding, sorting, copyright claiming and content selling, as well investing their resources in the P2P network. P2P network will be the backbone of the FFL system, it will provide file storage and exchange functionality using resources of the system users. The use of P2P will ensure the system’s scalability and cost-efficiency.

When providing online file sharing services a large part of resource consumption is generated by a network load on the service provider’s infrastructure. P2P networking architecture is a distributed architecture where the resources required for the operation memory, processing power, network bandwidth are shared among all network users. In a P2P network whenever new users connect the amount of resources available on the network increases proportionally to the user count. P2P architecture can be divided into two types: full decentralized and hybrid decentralized. Until 2010 like other similar services used the classic client-server architecture to provide file sharing services.

Since the FFL functionality will greatly depend on user work and resource investments, it is clear that users have to be motivated to share their work and resources. To ensure that data are not highjacked during the data transfer through network, all network traffic will be performed through secure, encrypted data channels. SSL encryption will be used For HTTP and WebSocket traffic, SRTP encryption will be used for WebRTC. FFL will implement various technologies to fight attacks in P2P network’s Provider Client Layer such as Sybil and Outsourcing attacks. uses freemium business model free and paid services. The base of the service will be available free of charge, while special premium features and services are available for charge. Our business model relies on advertisement revenue, PRO paid accounts and users monetizing their copyrighted files. has issued its own token with a ticker FFL, for the purpose of crowdsale and integration in the platform. The FFL token It will be used as a native currency by the FFL users to pay for the FFL’s special services and will be received for useful work (mined) in the FFL system. The FFL Token is a utility token, issued in a fixed supply with an annual inflation – based on useful work done by the community. The total supply of native FFL Tokens will equal 10 billion. The price of the token during Public crowdsale campaign will be priced $0.01.


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My ETH Adress : 0xCC028E8465c39c8B5D250431c82239dc7EE48a6d

#FilesfmLibrary, #library, #storage, #crowdfunding, #blockchain.

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