Join Testnet. Earn free NOIA coins.

in #altcoin6 years ago (edited)

NOIA is another promising project which aims to be the backbone of the distributed internet. Their main selling points will be the Content delivery infrastructure layer, Middleware for optimisation, Bandwidth utilization and Open platform but I should link you to the official site if you wish to know more:

Get free NOIA coins by doing nothing

Yeah, there is some KYC and setup to do but after that all you do is just open the NOIA Client and let it run like it was never existed, because it only takes up a minimal storage(120MB max) and even the oldest laptop can run it without issue since it requires almost no resources.

1)Sign up on NOIA Testnet(referral link) and complete the KYC application. You will be approved almost instantly.

2)Go NOIA Network GitHub page download NOIA node client of your system and install it.

3)Configuration of NOIA node client :

  • Put the same ETH address as you put in the KYC application.
  • They said you must have the 7676 port opened. Here is the tricky part but truth is, you can leave it closed and still receive the airdrop. Don't tell anyone this secret!
  • Let it run for at least 72 hours a week.


4)Check your reward here. The tokens is not released yet because this is just a Testnet. You will receive them after the ICO.


NOIA 是个挺有趣的新项目,正在筹备 ICO 。现在参与 Testnet 可以每个星期领取 200 NOIA 呢!好处是除了开始的 KYC 和 设置软件外,几乎就什么都不用做了。而且这软件非常绿色环保,几乎完全不占用电脑资源。

1)去 NOIA Testnet(推荐链接)登记和 KYC。应该立马就会被通过。
2)去 NOIA Network GitHub page 下载你的系统相应的 NOIA node client, 安装之。

  • ETH 地址必须放和 KYC 的一样。
  • Port 7676 可开可不开,一样可以领奖。
  • 一个星期起码让软件跑 72 小时。

4)可以在这里查看领到的奖励。记得币还没真正发送,因为 ICO 还没开始。

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

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