How to Be Alpha

in #alphamale7 years ago (edited)

I don't like the word alpha because it's so over used and
it's lost all meaning
due to so many competing claims and theories.

That said
it's healthiest to face the fact that some people (I'm going to focus on men, but this also applies to women)
are at a different psychological level than most in the crowd.
These are the types that have the most power and influence over others.
They are the types that are most likely to get what they want.
They're the types that expect to get the women and GET the women due to being so confident and being a true fearless, badass.

They're the true alpha males.

How to be?

It's a frame of mind which becomes a way of being.
Everything must be framed from you being "at the top", "on the top level", "on top of the game", "in the loop", etc.

At the alpha level, you've mastered your psychology and honed your awareness to a point of tapping into your deeper consciousness, where you can control your emotions and pick up on external cues in other people and the environment.

You have to see it as you being at another level entirely than most other people, because that's precisely what it is. You're working from a higher level of consciousness and awareness. You're more in control of yourself than most. You're more aware of how other people really think and feel and their true intentions than most others. You're more aware of your own personal power and strength than most others.

You're plain more powerful than most of the rest. You're a power to be reckoned with. You're a force of nature. You're a wolf amongst sheep.

And from this frame you expect to get the women. Why wouldn't you?

You're a fucking beast. A man who oozes masculinity. Everything about you signals to the world, if only to people's subconscious awareness, that you're confident and much more. You're close to fearless. You're at or approaching autonomous.

Yes, you're a man who's free to be himself. Unhindered by the opinions of others. Free to behave uninhibited, but with the power and restraint to control and guide his own emotions and behaviors. Really a lot like a god among men....or, rather, among boys.

It's so obvious that you're different from the other men, in a very good way, in a way that gets all the girl's pussies tingling.

You stand out like a lightning strike in the pitch black, starless night. And the great part is that you're like this without trying to impress or without making special efforts to act in any type of way. You're simply the way that you are. You're natural. And that's precisely why you're so powerful and attractive.

How to get there?

You have to realize that you're capable of being that way, living at that level (of consciousness, to live from that frame of mind). There are many ways to get there, but the fastest might be to utilize visualization to re-frame how you see yourself and your relationship with the world and the opposite sex (assuming that you're heterosexual or bisexual).

The key frame of mind to aim for is to never see another being as superior to yourself. Everyone is at your level, at best.

In regards to women and your interactions with them, not a single one of them is at your level. Make this clear right now: YOU are the leader! You are THE MAN!

Being as self-aware as you are, you know that you're a league above most other men, you know that you're "alpha". Because this is true, you're also very aware of how attractive you are to women and this gives you the edge when it comes to flirting with them and "closing the deal" (having sex) with them. It gives you the edge over other men because they typically come from the frame that they have to make it appear as if they deserve the women, make it appear like they're confident, like they love themselves, like they're worthy of all the woman's time and resources, whereas you KNOW that you deserve them.

In fact, you frame it like "is this woman really deserving of me (my attention)?" In your mind, you're the prize catch, not her, and especially not those other, pathetic excuses for men. So, it even gives you the edge over women. While they're used to men trying in so many ways to win their attention and their hearts, you're in a different league than those try-hards and insecure males.

You're in the "naturally sexy" zone of putting very little, if any, effort into getting sexual attraction from women and getting them to accept the frame of vying for your attention and placing you as the object that is worth putting effort in to obtain (have sex with). This translates to them putting in the bulk of the effort to flirt, to try hard to impress, to basically do all the things that men are used to doing when it comes to attracting the opposite sex. It literally flips the frame.

And this makes you 10X more attractive to the ladies, that you live from this frame, that you behave like you deserve this type of treatment, because it obviously signals to them that you are indeed in a league above the other men. You're an elite type of man. A man who seriously has his shit together. A strong man that has the self-control to never weaken himself. This is the perfect mate. This is precisely the genes that she wants her children to possess.

So, naturally, she you wants you to fuck her brains out. She can't stop thinking about sucking your cock and being sexually dominated by you. She can't stop thinking about how hot it would be to be your sex slave, to give you total sexual control over her, for you to pull her hair and have animal sex with her.

Cuz, here's the thing, there's no bigger turn on to a woman than a man who's sexually uninhibited, a man who's free to let out his sexual animal and be all the man during sex that he is. Sexual confidence is BY FAR the most important type of confidence to have when it comes to turning on the ladies and it's the one type of confidence that shines the brightest with alpha males, especially when they interact/ flirt with women, but even when they're doing the most mundane things at the surface like simply walking.

A useful visualization might be something as follows:

(picturing yourself interacting with a woman that you're attracted to)

First of all, picture it as being clear that she's turned on by you. Dialated pupils. Signs of nervousness and excitement around you. Playing with her hair. Holding out her breasts for you to see. etc.

Secondly, picture (in third person, seeing both you and herself as if watching them both on a TV screen) her making most all the effort to keep the interaction going.

In addition, make it clear that she's making all the effort to impress. She's the one that puts all the energy into making it sexual. You're sexual by simply sitting there and being present. You don't have to put any extra energy or effort into anything because you're natural and naturally confident.

Picture that you can stare right into her eyes and pierce right through her, inside of her. Imagine that you can send the clear message in your look that you know she wants you. Imagine that you have the ability with your look to tell her that you're all the man that she thinks you are and hopes that you are. That you're all the stud that she desires to be with and to have sex with.

Picture your confident and fearless face as you look at her and look into her eyes and don't forget to picture her being turned on by your looks and your energy, and note how she submissively looks down and away and then looks back into your eyes again, even more turned on.

Now, if you're interacting with a very hot girl, they can be bitches even to the hottest of men, at least, for a order to test if you're for real or not.

So, if things move that direction during this visualization, or if you start from this point in the visualization (which isn't a bad idea, because, let's face it, no man, no matter how hot, won't get at least a little amount of "shit testing" from hot women), imagine that you handle it like a champ.

Imagine that you're unfazed by her insults, no matter how subtle or non-subtle that they are, no matter how cold or brutal or personal that they become. Nothing bothers you because you know that you're in another league. You don't need her. There are hundreds of other women like her, as attractive as her and even more attractive, that would kill to be with you and to have sex with you.

You're absolutely assured of this, which is why you don't really care whether she's attracted to you or whether she'll have sex with you.

All this being the case, you can still stand there confident, still the man in the conversation, still the one leading the interaction, still the one in power. You never lose frame of being the one to be sought after. You're the one that's worth trying for. You're the natural, sexually confident man.

So, you are to picture yourself as standing and behaving confidently, shoulders back, head high, chest naturally caved outward as you'd expect from a naturally confident man. See how you still can look fearlessly into her eyes, only this time imagine that your look signals to her that you don't buy it. Imagine that your look lets her know that her jabs at you don't bother you one bit and that she can't be for real, because you know that you're one hot catch and you're sure that she knows that too.

Add in a bit of cocky smile, subtle but enough to make it clear that you know she's playing and that, even if she isn't, you don't care, because you know that you can have hundreds of others like her and it doesn't bother you one bit if she's so naive or ignorant as to miss how much of an opportunity you present to her.

You don't give a fuck one way or the other. Picture that you give her this signal in every possible way that is natural and that, if she proceeds to try to tear into you, that you don't have the least amount of hesitation or concern over cutting her off in her speech and saying something along the lines of "your loss", or, if it's more suitable, "whatever bitch", and simply walking away from the interaction.

But make it clear that you're used to women being silenced by your lack of concern from their insults and that your cold stare is a clear sign to them that you indeed are the real deal, that you're a man worthy of their time and, moreover, someone worth trying to be with and have sex with, someone who has high sexual value.

Also make it clear that if the interaction with this woman, or these women, ever happens to go into a direction that you don't want it to go, if, for instance, she goes on too long with her "shit tests" (insults/ jabs), that you take the initiative to change the course of the interaction -- you always remain in the leading position of the interaction and you're always the least effected by the words that are said.

Remember, the right frame is to ALWAYS be the most powerful in interactions with women. That means that you're the least concerned about the outcome of the conversation (least invested), but it also means that you're the least inhibited from behaving the way that you want, that is natural to you, and participating in the types of interactions that you want to be a part of and, if they aren't of that mold, doing the necessary things to see to it that they shape into it or simply cast it aside and move on with your business.

Being at another level. Being above her level. Your time is more valuable than hers. Your energy is more valuable than hers. And, above all, your attention is more valuable than hers.

This means that if she doesn't "put out", and by that I mean treat you in the way that you deserve to be treated -- as a man who's clearly at a higher level (higher sexual value) than almost any other man -- then you can easily cast her aside and move on. As a powerful man, it only makes sense to invest time and energy into women that appreciate what you are and try to bring more of that power out from you (which is likely, because they LOVE that masculine energy and can't get enough of it), versus trying to shame you or act as if you aren't that level of a man.

A man that loves himself won't willingly commit in any way to a woman that's going to try to tear him apart.

And you love yourself. You're a powerful man who loves and respects himself and that's why you don't put up with abusive women and women that try to act like the man in a relationship.

And because you're aware that most women and most attractive women realize how much of a prize that you are and are quick to show you how attracted they are to you, and make it relatively easy for you to "score", it makes it an easy decision to quickly cut off interactions with women that behave too sour, for too long of a time.

There are better fish out there in the sea who're more worthy of your valuable time and energy, because, let's not forget, YOU'RE THE PRIZE. Women should be vying for your attention and your dick, not the other way around.

And, should you include a few of these types of interactions that go sour, make sure to see to it that you include 10X more interactions that go as you would want them to, with the woman craving your cock and doing most of the work to win your attention and approval.

The blueprint is to always see the interaction as you being the king and her being the woman who is making her case to be your next sex servant. You are, for the most part, unimpressed by plain women because you're so special, so she needs to be special too and she needs to prove it to you...and she should make it quick too, because your time is very valuable. She desires you because you're desirable and you're trying to determine if she has enough to offer for you to invest your time into, because you have so many options to choose from that you couldn't come close to having them all, but she's shown you enough so far to consider her.

And, now, having checked off on the surface level tests, YOU WILL SHIT TEST HER!

And you're such a natural, you're so sure that you're her best option, you don't have to really even try or say many words. Your mere look. How you look at her. Your body language. The tone of your voice. The subtle facial expressions that you make all tell her that you're testing her to see if she's worth your time. If SHE is for real.

See how the frame has flipped, how the usual script of the average man's interaction with a hot woman has been reversed?

That's because you're a hot man and, like hot women expect to be treated in this way and have interactions with men follow this type of script, you expect the same of yourself and your interactions with women.

She's there to please you, to entice you, to sell herself to you. Your only job is to sit there and be present as the powerful masculine man that you are and judge whether she's good enough for you. You're the one with the higher sexual value, hers is to be determined after some time of interacting with her.

You give her the floor (space) to show who she is and what she has to offer and you simply, when it feels natural, guide the interaction into a new direction, a new angle to get a look into who she is and whether she's being real. You lead the conversation but she puts in the most energy, she does most of the talking, she does most of the moving. You're a calm, relaxed, controlled witness, present.

Nothing in the environment brings fear to you, especially in this interaction with the woman. You're so focused and present that you can easily and effortlessly zone out all distractions from the conversation, including other men or women that may try to break up the interaction. But your attention is valuable, so, if she sways from the direction that you desire or if she should behave in ways that paint her as less than she's trying to put on or something short of what you consider being desirable, you have no qualms against removing your attention from her and moving on to something of higher priority.

When you're with her, you're in total power of your focus and presence. She has no power over you, but your presence and especially your eyes (which signal where your attention is directed for the most part) have much power over her, because she wants to win your attention. She wants you to approve of her and consider her as a sexual partner, not the other way around. You're trying to determine if she's a worthy sexual partner.

Your eyes strike her like a laser beam. When you look at her, she's enticed, mesmerized. Your confidence and fearlessness, which show through in your eyes and the look on your face, absolutely turns her on, to levels that she never thought imaginable. In a way, you're already her special man that she'll do anything for to be with, right there in that simple look. When you look away, she becomes worried and anxious because she wants those eyes on her, she wants the attention of this special, sexually confident man.

She knows that you're easily bored by women, because it's clear that you have so many options and that you've been approached by so many women, which means that she has to step up her game if she wants a chance to be with you. That's why she'll behave in more sexually risky ways than she normally would, even than with men that she's reasonably attracted to that have made it clear that the attraction is mutual.

It's not so clear to them that you're attracted to them, because you yourself aren't entirely sure. Your look can let them know that you're considering the question whether you're attracted to them or not, it may signal to them that they've passed an entry level test (maybe she's physically attractive enough to consider, as an example), but there's in no way any type of outward sign from you that you're sold on her, that you want to be with her over the other options that you have available to you.

And you are in this constant state of judging whether or not you're with the best available option, which puts her in the position of always feeling like she has to win you over, keeping her on high alert, competing with other women to have sex with you.

This is your mindset, this is how you view women. You deserve any women. The question is whether they deserve you and who among them has the most to offer you.


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