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RE: [GAME: Alpha Game : 0] - Yesterday the world was understandable... today... you tell me...

in #alphagame8 years ago

aflhaniito (otiinahlfa's brother) was watching over his shoulder through the looking glass and could see John Smiths thought materialize in the air - so he summonsed a flock of crows (a murder) to taunt him


splat It was white and smelly and now all over the cell phone. John Smith disconnected the phone. Cleaned the bird shit off the side of his face and out of his hair from the crows that suddenly passed over. They are noisy too. He looks at the cell phone for a moment to make sure it is still functional. It definitely looks fine, he's seen other cell phones go through a lot worse.

He leans against a wall under and awning and dials the number for Mr. O. again.

otiinahlfa looked in disdain over his shoulder toward his brother.
aflhaniito retorts ' aww cmon, you know that shit was funny (pun intended)

the two brothers wheeled back in thier chairs and looked at the wall of looking glasses

otiinahlfa says to his brother; 'Well, what kind of trouble can we stir up next?'

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