
[OOC] - Thanks for posting this. That's the ticket. You'll have to check back every once in awhile and up vote comments you support as a path forward. If you have the most votes tomorrow you'll win the chance to host turn 2... Pretty simple concept. Hopefully it'll do interesting things.

John Smith pulled out his cell phone. He wasn't sure why a private investigator would be investigating animal murders in Boulder, Colorado. That sounds like work for the police. He had been hired by a mysterious Mr. O. and all he had was a retainer for service and a cell phone number. It made him reminisce over the Georgia Guidestones and how some R.C. Christian paid in cash to have those weird stones built and then just vanished. Was Mr. O. taking him for a ride? This is the first murder investigation that anyone had hired a Private Investigator for. The world though had been turned upside down since those damn Elves went public. Talk about coming out of the closet.

I need more details to work with. I can't just go up there and say "here murder, murder, come here murder." I need to know what he expects from a P.I. that the cops can't do.

Pulls out cell phone and dials the number for Mr. O. I'm going to ask for more information.

[OOC] - ive been to the georgia guidestones - freaky place.

[OOC] - Idea for this setting is that all conspiracy theories are potentially true. That includes things like vampires, aliens, and all kinds of weird things. Pretty much can run the sci-fi direction, the contemporary, the magic, the monster, or all of the above. I picked this setting for the alpha so people could pretty much just run with it. I like your characters, and thanks for taking a risk. We need to teach other people how to play. Yet I just invented the rules so we're kind of learning too.

aflhaniito (otiinahlfa's brother) was watching over his shoulder through the looking glass and could see John Smiths thought materialize in the air - so he summonsed a flock of crows (a murder) to taunt him

splat It was white and smelly and now all over the cell phone. John Smith disconnected the phone. Cleaned the bird shit off the side of his face and out of his hair from the crows that suddenly passed over. They are noisy too. He looks at the cell phone for a moment to make sure it is still functional. It definitely looks fine, he's seen other cell phones go through a lot worse.

He leans against a wall under and awning and dials the number for Mr. O. again.

otiinahlfa looked in disdain over his shoulder toward his brother.
aflhaniito retorts ' aww cmon, you know that shit was funny (pun intended)

the two brothers wheeled back in thier chairs and looked at the wall of looking glasses

otiinahlfa says to his brother; 'Well, what kind of trouble can we stir up next?'

Meanwhile Carl is back in his office trying to understand how to fit together information about New York and elves. Nothing is fitting together whatsoever! Still no answers from anyone in emails either. Feeling like he's getting no where he goes out for a drink.

[OCC] - @virtualgrowth received the most votes and will be the host for the next turn. I have asked that he add a comment to this post when he has posted the next turn. Or if you are following him it will show up in your feed.

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