What type of listener are you? (information centered and people oriented)

in #alltags6 years ago (edited)

There are mant ways of listening. Each person might employ his or her own personal style of listening. However no listening style is perfect. Some listening styles suit only certain circumstances. Knowing the strength and weaknesses of each personal style will enable the person to choose which type of listening, he or she would use in a particular situation.
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People who are information centered listener ate more concerned with the quality of the message above all else. They are mainly concerned wity the details of the message. They view the message from different perspective. They value the speaker source of information. Over all information centered listener are contented with having a lot of information on hand. They are not bothered with the clutter of information. In fact the more information they have,the more they feel they could understand the message. Situation best suited for this kind of listening, are in the classroom setting, during lectures, during suminar or workshop.
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When a person's aim is to gather as much information as possible and asses whether the information provided are credible, information centered type of listening is the best option. This type of listening is the best for topics, that might be complicated. However because of its content centered approach, listener who have little or knowledge on the background of the topic might find this type of listening particularly difficult. Listener of this type of listening might need to spend more time gathering and analyzing information, which some could find impractical.
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People oriented listeners are interested, in creating and maintaining positive relationships. This type of listening involves people trying to understand not just information given by other people but to understand their feelings as well. People oriented listeners are "less Judgemental" as compared to a People who might information centered listeners. People
Oriented listeners are more involved in understanding or supporting people rather than evaluating them. Workers like in the medical field such as doctors or nurses might employ this kind of listening. They would listen to patients clamor on their health not just physically but also mentally. Psychologist and psychiatrist might also use this kind of listening as they try to assist emotional distress. Pastor and priest may also use people oriented listening as a way of giving support to people who might need spiritual guidance. Teacher could benefit from this kind of listening by evaluating concerned anf anxieties.
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Despite the obvious strength, this type of listening display, it also has their weakness. People feelinga could easily sway your judgement. It is easy to fewl sorry for someone. Having our judgement affected by the feeling of others might detract us from doing what is right. We will have biased opinion when we allow people to influence us emotionally. We may lose the ability to asses whether the information given us credibly sound, if we allow our feelings to get in the way.



i admit that sometimes, i would pretend listening but really not listening.. sorry to my friends..

Hahah. It means you're not interested for their discussion /topic.

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