Why I blog and why it saved me
Hi there everyone
I believe we are all on a special journey even if we dont know thats what it is. Why do we blog?
Everybody has their own reasons for putting themselves out on the line.... it could be to sell a business or promote a service, it could be to raise awareness and find support. There are many personel reasons why. Mine is simple .....it keeps me sane. Being a mum to five challenging children and a wife and homemaker is hard work, now through in a touch of additional needs and you have a stressful lonely environment.
Two of my children are diagnosed as having autistic spectrum dissorder my twelve year old boy (child number 3) he has passive demand avoidence and also suffers with sensory processing dissorder. He is smart and is developing a sense of humour and to look at you wouldnt know any difference. How his autism effects him and us is that he wants to be alone he cant cope with demands being put on him which has resulted in me home educating him as he just couldnt cope with mainstream comprehensive and they couldnt allow for all the things that are out of his control.
My youngest child (number5) was diagnosed autistic in the summer of 2017 a little before his 5th birthday. He was a tricky case again extremely bright physically able and met his milestones as expected, however he was so attached and wouldnt communicate with people he wasnt comfortable with and he needs to be in control all the time...... this need for control is hard challenging and at times exhausting for us and him. Some days i think are never going to end the demands just keep coming it is extremely emotionally draining and as his main caregiver i never have a day off.
This is where im getting to the point Why do i blog?
These blog/vlog platforms allow me the space to be me Amanda a person in her own right with her own thoughts. Its a space for me in any given day there is 5 minutes or even an hour that i can escape and share converse what im doibg or feeling and there is always a community at the other end to pick me up.
When im sat on my allotment talking to my camera about why bindweed drives me mad, im free im me for that short time does that make sense?
Now the boys arent the only stresses there are many more like my daughter has epilepsy which even though i hide it, sends me into a constant state of worry about her health and future.
I garden not only to produce healthy organic produce and british cut flowers but i also do it to keep my mind busy i truely believe having this has saved me from myself and possibly prevented many a mental health wobble.
I love to share what im learning, my sucesses and more on my youtube channel and now ive found this forum I can reach out to a wider community, if you can relate and would like to know more about my journey give it thumbs up thank you for taking the time