Allodium Blockchain Report - Week #165 - Ending Dec 7th 2020

in #allodium4 years ago

In the first week of December, I (Naan) started a mortar project! This is unusual compared to seasons past, but is also a welcome change of pace from doing a lot of nothing.

The project is the winter chicken coop, which is an extention off of my bedroom! At some point, it may be a walk-in closet, but for the time being, it's the best place for the chickens to stay warm in the winter.

The walls of the room are half dug out, with rocks covering the earth-berm and mortared over, and half tire-wall, with a vaulted ferro-cement section connecting the tirewall to the framed ceiling.

Against that ferro-cement wall, which is thin and has no insulative value, recyclables, trash, and anything with insulative value was foamed to the wall.

The project is to mortar over all that trash and rockify it!

I didn't take a good 'before' picture, and only thought of it after the first batch of mortar, but about half of the trash+foam area is still exposed:
After another batch of mortar:
And another:
And another:

That's as far as I got in the last week. Need to get some more mortar and mortar in some chicken laying boxes into the new wall!

In Block #165, ending 12/7/2020, a total of 1621@ (Appreciation Tokens) were generated; 371@ were generated by the daily appreciation of 53 members, 40@ were generated by 4 hours of labor exhausted for the Cooperative, and 1210@ were generated by 121 OG Creds (Ø); bringing the total to 239,897@.

There were no membership updates in the last week.

Allodium Appreciation Tokens are trading live on the Waves Decentralized Exchange under ticker "Allodium AT". Allodium AT are most recently valued at .04 WAVES, giving Appreciation Tokens a $ valuation of about $.32/@, and an overall @ market cap $ valuation of $77,246.

The Telegram announcement channel for Allodium is, and there is a group chat on Telegram for members.

The online domain of Allodium, is partially working, and due for an update soon.

That's all for this week's Allodium Blockchain Report!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63968.82
ETH 2633.99
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.84