Remove Seasonal Cough Cures in Some Domestic Ways

in #allergy6 years ago

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The wind in the morning gives rise to the winter arrives. At this time of winter, fever and older people are more infected. A cough does not want to be easy, even if the fever is good. There are some domestic ways to get rid of this painful soreness. It is possible to reduce the use of natural methods without taking medicines. This feature of today's home remedies for cigarette coughs.

1. Yellow

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Burn one teaspoon of turmeric powder in half a cup of water, one teaspoon of chili pepper powder. Brush it with a cloth for two to three minutes. Mix one tablespoon honey with it. Drink it every day. In addition, make a teaspoon of turmeric powder in one cup of water and one teaspoon of green tea with herbal tea. Drink it three times a day.

2. Honey

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Honey is very useful in dry cough remedies. Take 1 tablespoon, pure honey, every day 1 to 3 times. Take a tablespoon honey before you go to bed. For children, there can be 1 tablespoon from 1 teaspoon. Sweet antioxidants and anti-microbial components help to prevent a cough.

3. Garlic

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Take five lemon juice and fry one teaspoon and lighten it. Eat it while the yolk is hot. The anti-microbial and excretory material of garlic relaxes a cough. According to University of Maryland Medical Center cites, garlic always cures a cough.

4. Ginger tea

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You can take a cup of ginger tea before going to sleep at night. Adult anti-inflammatory material removes uncomfortable feeling inside the throat. Fire the ginger with a cup of water. Drink it three to four times a day. You will see that a dry cough is very low. Instead of ginger tea, you can drink it. Also, add some ginger gourd to a glass of water. Drink it.

5. Onion

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Onions are quite useful to remove a happy cough. Drink a teaspoon honey mixed with half a teaspoon of onion juice. Drink it twice a day. The onion thistle will help to reduce a cough and sore throat.

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