How Many Lives We Are Living?

in #life8 years ago

How often, after meeting with an old friend, you hear - I'm not the same as was before. Or remembering something with thoughts - it was so long ago, like in another life...

People come into our lives and leave it, leaving us with only memories. Years go by, memories fade or erased from our memory. And we live in some very different life, smiling to other people... But at one moment, suddenly forgetting what we're were doing. Because appear forgotten moments from another life. Friend, whom you'll never see anymore. Girl, which you swore in love many years ago... And in a mad rhythm of our lives, we stay alone with our thoughts.

So how many lives we are living for real? After all, we are exactly the same coming into someone's life, changing it and then leave memories. All around us is changing constantly - life, people, morals... Influenced by all of this, are we changed ourselves? Are we different than 5 / 10 / 20 years ago?

Many of us again and again going through some moments of their life and want to return it. They want to change something. Something really important for them. But, if it is still important... that means - people do not change. People just changed their lives, under the pressure of some factors. Does this mean that many people live not true life?

As for me... I don't wanna change nothing from my past. I've done enough stupid things in my life. For a long time I lived in the past and did not give myself rest with these thoughts. But now I'm living in the present - take care of my family's well-being.

And if suddenly, I feel hit in my memory, like an electric shock... I'm just smiling and with warmth in my heart, I recollect people, events, lived years. Because no one can change what has already been done, lived. It is necessary to take care of those, who makes your life meaningful in present. Because no one can say for sure - the latter it's your life or not. What lies ahead and who will be with us in the future... Nothing is eternal under the Moon

Sincerely, Terry Craft.


Well, I say there's only one life, but about a trillion different masks that life can put on at any one moment. It's because of putting most of our collective attention and energy into making these "characters" (personas) believable for so long that we tend to lose our footing on who we really are, at the core.

Because so many people are "external-focused", the majority tend to think that people stay more or less the same person for all, or most, of their lives. Of course, we can know by studying ourselves (our memories) that the personality is fickle and nearly in a constant state of evolving, if not entirely transforming.

Really, the only thing that keeps any consistency at all between the "self" of yesterday and that of today is our fear of having our social/ political/ financial achievements and status, among other things, unravel. We fear so much about who, or what, we might become if we stop trying to stay consistent that our psychological energies are almost constantly directed at keeping the "persona" congruent with the past, at the very least, in the context of whom we're spending our time with and/or what we happen to be doing. The more persistent we are at "staying in character" the more demanding we are on our body's resources, particularly the mental faculty, and the more tiring it becomes.

Over time, these habits can lead to chronic anxiety, fatigue, and, eventually, depression. From there, we may become quite sickly, as the immune system becomes weakened as the mind tires. Yet, most people would rather face these types of symptoms than take a chance at exposing their true identity to the world.

To be real is to risk being exposed like an open book to the world for all to read, judge and condemn. It's the ultimate state of vulnerability. It's a top fear for most of us, a great number of which will never confront, due to the belief that there's too much to lose on taking a chance.

That's why it takes real courage to be psychologically free - to not care what other people think about us and to value our own authenticity over making good impressions on others.

It's one of my greatest wishes that all of humanity be able to taste the freedom from fear of judgments, both from others and from oneself. I want everybody to be the strong individuals that they are.

every cell in your body will have been replaced in 7 years. You will literally be a different person.

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