How to trick your mind - Chapter 1

in #life8 years ago (edited)

 A few years ago I had the great opportunity to get to know my Mentor. He taught me so many things in life which I can´t even explain. My view of life has changed in so many ways and I am looking forward to many more alterations in the future.  

Not everyone has the occasion to got someone who will guide you. So I want to share my experiences which I made when I was alone and had just a few tips from my mentor to get out of the situation. Sure it is possible to manipulate your mind by yourself but you really need the intention to change something in your life!!! 

Many of us think of the "comfort zone " as a relic of ‘80s motivational psychology and a slogan on corny corporate "reach for success " posters. But in fact, the comfort zone psychology has a useful concept that help you make changes in life that can lead to personal growth and embrace risk!

I learned to challenge myself to reach my goals. There is no way out when you stay in your comfort zone. Of course it is not easy but who said life would be easy? Everyone can do „simple“ but just a few ones are made for more.  You will never know until you try. 

Don’t ignore pain; appreciate its message: You need to change now!  - Shannon L. Alder 

"How to trick your mind by yourself “ is a series of tips and tricks to live a happier, healthier and longer life! Every chapter will help you to reach your goals and create new ones. I often hear the sentence „when I put 100% effort in reaching my goals, I cant loose“ . But you need the right decisions where you put your effort in. Otherwise it is a waste of time.

Today I want to start with my Smile Challenge.

Everyone of you knows the struggle when you stuck in traffic, forgot your phone at the office, lost your purse in the train or even crashed your display. These are just some „luxury problems“ how my mentor would call them. Are these things worth it getting stressed, arguing with your partner or even die 2 years earlier? 

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated
.  - Confucius

So I want you to think positive in EVERY situation!  

  • Try out to smile when your secretary sent the wrong email to your business partner. Because everyone does mistakes. People need mistakes to learn from them! 
  • Try to relax when you stuck in traffic. Hold your smile for a moment. Maybe someone would crash your car when you arrive at your destination at another time.  
  • Try out to laugh when your phone fell down to the street because it is not that important. It is just an item! No one got hurt. There are many ways to repair the screen. Maybe it´s a sign that you should put away your phone for a while...  

You see. There is always a positive answer to your problems. YOU just made them stressful.  

In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.  - Dalai Lama

Smiling reduces stress and helps the heart. Laughing has a myriad of health benefits from lowering stress to even boosting your immune system.  There are 200 muscles active while you laugh! The researcher found out that laughing is also good against diabetes. You may heard of the quote „Every minute you laugh , prolongs your life by one hour.“ Theres truth in it. In fact, one study found that individuals who have more positive perceptions of their own aging lived an average of seven and a half years longer than their more pessimistic peers.

Positive energy.

Sometimes it is not easy to get into the right mood and start the day with positive energy. There can be different reasons why. Here are my personal 3 tips to let the good energy flow through your body and soul. 

  1. Classic music. When I turn on some piano sounds I feel much more energized and it clears my mind. 
  2. Sun. When you wake up, open your curtains and let the sunshine do her magic. I don’t let rain sap my energy, though. If it’s raining, I try to be fully aware of the beauty before me so it becomes a positive influence, as well. 
  3. Being Present. Maybe I’ll follow a few raindrops down the window. Either way, I’m fully present. I find being present is an important thing if you want to feel energy in a positive way.  

Every moment you have a choice – to be at peace or to be in resistance. When you are at peace, you attract positive energy and when you resist you create negative vibes that reflect back on your being. It’s a simple choice and most people unconsciously choose to live in negativity. It’s not your boss, colleagues, parents, ex or the traffic. But your own perception that creates stress and negative energy. Circumstances are neutral! You will generate positive vibes when your inner state is one of alignment instead of being in resistance.

Now I want you to start 1 week full of positivity.

 Challenge yourself not to think negative and make the best of your situation. 24/7 for 1 week !!!! 

Stay focused 

Love, Soldier  


Very good tips. I guess, we all know that our own mood is what we can take under control and that spreading positive energy is so much better, than being angry and negative. But we easily get out of control and rather re-act than act. I'm glad you reminded me of that. I will also try to smile again :-)

Glad that I could remind you! More people should understand that they have a negative mindset and only THEY can change it into a positive one! As you said, we can take our mood under control. Positivity is so important and it has so many benefits.

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Awesome post! Thanks for the insight, see ya tomorrow :)

Thank you Beauty , see ya tmr :)

You never know what a simple smile can do for someone's day. Even a smile and a few words to those taking the toll on the road can keep some from suicide. Being unappreciated causes low self esteem and consistent low self esteem will cause depression. A simple smile and acknowledgement that someone else has value is a beautiful thing.

Great job with this post @soldier - Simple and effective

You're totally right! Thanks for your Feedback!

Great post and awesome tips, I hope this will help lots of people and they will try the 1 week of positivity!

Thank you for your feedback !

Personally, what really helped with my anger issues is to learn how to be mindful.

It's not that I put time aside to meditate or anything. I just try to be aware of the negative shit I am thinking about and then tell myself to be aware of something new. So I just breathe, and think, "I am breathing."

That's it. That'd cut the negative bullshit.

Not everyone has the Time for Meditation . You said what helps you with your anger issues is to be aware of the negativity and try to calm down by breathing. This is the first step! Try to see always the positive aspect at first and Smile because it made you stronger!

I really like your 3 tips for good energy flow. Inspiring vibes and be present when the sun arises, works for me too.

glad to hear that!

Great second article and beautiful pictures!

Thx for your kind words. Appreciate

I love this post! Keep it up :)

Thank you a lot !

I sometimes had the feeling of discourage and didn´t know my purpose in life until I met important people who changed my mindset in order to achieve my goals. Ever since, I´m reading a lot of motivational books and get inspired by many business influencers and authors. We should never put ourselves into limits and always try to give 100%. I love your post and btw. your freakin beautiful

omg thank you for your kind words <3
Your comment is amazing! I truly agree with every word you said. You should never put yourself into limits !