Why He Prefers the Girl on the Side

in #relationship8 years ago

Sorry sweetheart,

but chances are that he'd cheat on you again and again. But rather than sit down all day and judge that sexy ass sister who your boyfriend can't just get enough of, I think you should focus on the real problem. What if the real problem is not him or her or them? What if the real problem is you? You see, having relationship problems is like having malaria. Unless you get rid of the mosquitoes which are the actual cause of the illness, taking medicine will only cure for a while.

He'd prefer the side chick if:

1. You are the oh so flawless miss goody-two-shoes.

Let's call a spade a spade. It is boring. Stop it. Quit hiding the ugly behavior just because you want that dude to wife you. Seriously, girl, stop it. You are human. Embrace your flawed nature. It's nothing to be ashamed of. You never get mad at him. Sometimes you do feel like screaming and walking the hell out but no, you don't. You are an 'O yes' type of girl. You never disagree. The perfect wife material. You wash, cook, scrub, mop, iron, fetch, flush and grate. In fact, you turn yourself into a voluntary maid for him. Well, naturally, every man would want your type of girl anyway. Don't get it twisted. He will sure love you and probably put a ring on your finger but in the long run, he's still gonna crave that gangster chic with whom he wasn't ashamed to feel and be the REALEST he could be. And yes, he'd cheat on you.

2. You are monotonous.

They say variety is the spice of life. The problem with most people is that they tend to be white or black, ignoring a whole lot of other shades that abound. Don't be predictable. A monotonous life makes one so. When Zara Grett was asked to describe herself, she said and I quote:

I'm like a bowel of salad rather than a pot of stew cos in a pot of stew, you don't get to see all the ingredients but with salad, there's expression for each component.

If you do not think and act like Zara then girl, the side chick would make your man salivate. Come to think of it. Even the food we eat require DIFFERENT ingredients to make it tasty and most importantly, balanced. Be like a balanced diet, with all the necessary attitudes in the right proportion. Nullify monotony.

3. You are too serious.

I know that life can be hard on us but hey, it won't hurt to throw in a lit bit of carefree-ness and laughter once in a while. You don't have to frown and complain all the time. Don't be a grumpy cat. Is your man having money issues? Rather than listen to you bore him with stuff you read from that big ass book; you know, being all serious and shit, talking about hope that lies at the end of the tunnel and all the sermons that come with it, he'd roll with that side chick who would get high with him. She's an un-serious bitch who'd prolly take your man to club and work work work work work. They'd both be young, wild and free. They'd drink and get ugly and prolly cap it with a forget-your-worries type of sex.  Ouch.

4. You are a virgin.

Shocked? Yeah, you read me correctly. Most men will agree with me that dating a virgin can be pretty tiring and frustrating. Virgins make one hunger and thirst. They make a brother starve. I'm writing especially about the first class virgins. Those whose hymen AND thoughts are still pure and intact. They come into one's life with many manuals, the biggest being the Bible. To cope with them, one must 'study to show oneself approved'. Very frustrating.

Paint it all you want, but the reality is that in a relationship where one party denies the other any form of sexuality, the denied often cheats (with the side chick of course). This doesn't mean that virgins aren't loved by their boyfriends. No. They are loved. They are adored. Purity has a way of appealing to our soft sides. But a lover has needs that not just purity and love can fully provide. Sometimes the lover needs to make love to the loved. The feeling is mind and body blowing. It is ace! I'm sorry, but I do not know how to paint words with different shades of morality. I'm a realist.

5. You are too clingy.

Eish. Some girlfriends can be like phone networks: "everywhere you go." They stay glued to their men like a stubborn stain. Really, it can be annoying. If you are the type that doesn't give him breathing space, I fear for you. Personally, I think the ‘clingy-clingy’ syndrome is born out of low self esteem. When one is empty, one feels there is little or nothing to offer thus nurses the fear of losing a lover due to that. When your love drum is empty, you see the lover as a miracle and so you milk him dry of attention, love, care, and what not. Stop it. He's not an emotion ATM. Give as much as you get and even more. Love is vast. Have your own unique brand. Don't always suck up to him. Be emotionally independent. 


Free love for the win. I wonder what'll happen to exclusive relationships when money ceases to be a thing. Personally I think it's the economic forces of the world that's forging exclusivity for intimate relationships. Like, marriage was something done during ancient times to cross-consolidate regional powers and more often than not, for monetary reasons. Emotions are so fleeting - an ex used to tell me "if it doesn't work out, just remember we had our good times.".

Although on a personal note, I kinda find cheating inexcusable if one enters an exclusive relationship with another - and in this case, love without sacrifice is like theft.

But, Love is an emotion and like all emotions they're meaningless.

Love for me is "extensionality", the other person being an extension - a better half, significant other as some would say.

You both guys are right I see !

that's a fucked up article catering to people who want to live like rabbits.

Sometimes I wonder if you post deliberately to polarize.

What if the real problem is not him or her or them? What if the real problem is you?

While I think it is commendable that you encourage women to look at their own behavior, this does strike me as a bit simplistic.

Most guys I know, the guys they know, and myself included, always keep an eye out for the attractive women passing by. And many of us would make a move, even if everything is otherwise ok in a relationship.

Personally I do not, because I am a man of my word, but the temptation is there, day after day.

I believe this to be a normal expression of male sexuality (so maligned these days) and perfectly healthy behavior for a man with a sex drive.

It does not mean one has to go through with it - and more to the point here, it does not mean our partner is lacking in something - it is just how we are wired.

Yeah, the desire for variety will always be there. Men and women alike. I think having children effects womens stability that way more than a lot of men. Just an assumption of course.

Sometimes people end up having mismatched sex drives, or one is more kinkier than the other. If they cant work it out, or one or the other refuses to even try, than people may seek out someone who does to be their long-term affair partner.

Third reason is feeling taken for granted, knowing one is unappreciated by their partner...then comes along someone who does.

Case by case, who knows if cheating is a "two-way street" or not.

I definitely believe there are people who can be monogamous til they die, why not?

Seriously people? Is that a good article?
To all WOMEN here, please stop adding this list to all other shit media, patriarchal society biases and advertising tries to push on you AGAIN and AGAIN, until it snowballs in huge confidence-complex. What the fuck?
So what if you are any of the above? If that's you then that's you, if it bring you value and a life you enjoy living, so what?
Changing for a man? for fear of not being left for a "side-chick"? Listen to beyonce and respect yourself.
This is a sad article, written by a sad woman-hater.

I completely agree with you. The next step is to blame victims of rape. Is the same. It is only at different levels.

"Most men will agree with me that dating a virgin can be pretty tiring and frustrating. Virgins make one hunger and thirst. They make a brother starve. I'm writing especially about the first class virgins. Those whose hymen AND thoughts are still pure and intact. They come into one's life with many manuals, the biggest being the Bible. To cope with them, one must 'study to show oneself approved'. Very frustrating."

  • Realist?! " What the fuck is wrong with you? Don't you think it's kind of fucked up to post something like this? Are you trying to present this as a fucking fact? You want your daughter to come across this bullshit when her first boyfriend is calling less and trying to get in her pants when she isn't ready? How dare you say that unless you are having sex with a dude they are going to be cheating on you?

There is enough pressure on young females to become sexually active and the few who abstain from it until they are mentally and emotionally ready to handle the responsibilities of having a sexual relationship are far better off statistically in the long run than girls who are lured into abandoning their innocence before their minds have the ability to deal with the strong feelings that are unavoidable once we step over that line.

**You think a few steem dollars are worth such a untasteful and entirely false bunch of information? **


Please do not let this ignorant stuff influence things that will effect the rest of your life.

  • There are guys out there who aren't pathetic and do know how to respect women. They are more than willing to wait for the day when they and their partner are 100% ready for sex. If some douche bag is off humping legs instead of being "lame" chillin with you and not touching his crotch then trust me young ladies - LET HIM GO. Do not give yourself so completely to anyone for the simple fact of keeping their interest. If they are worth it, they will be interested in more than boobies and tra-la-las.

A lot of this article just reads as shaming women into changing themselves so that their boyfriend won't cheat. If one party is cheating, the real problem is with them.

I'm not saying it's wrong for a woman who's being cheated on to look at her own behavior, but it's ridiculous and insulting to suggest that she's more at fault than the unfaithful asshole.

I dated my high school boyfriend on and off for six years before I met my husband. For the first two years we dated, I was a virgin, and so was he. When we finally "did it," it was MY idea, because I was finally ready, and wanted to do it (of course, he was extremely happy). I never worried about him cheating. Then again, I'm pretty much a "free will" kind of person....if he'd wanted to have sex with someone else, but still be in a relationship with me, that would have been fine. I feel the same way about my husband.

My husband was glad I wasn't a virgin when we got married, because he said virgins were a lot of trouble. But, he also wouldn't have broken up with me if I HAD been one. I don't think the virgin thing is as big a deal as some people make it. One thing is sure, though, and that's NO woman should feel pressured into having sex before she's ready, just to keep a man's interest.

While this is a simplistic view, I can agree with the aspects listed... each instance is different. Cheating can be as simple as being horny and opportunistic, or peppered with feelings of neglect/resent/boredom/feeling trapped, etc. etc.

Although, one thing I do disagree with is saying that the person being cheated on is the problem. Regardless of relationship issues, people should respect their SO enough to at least end the relationship before seeking thrills through someone else.

Although, one thing I do disagree with is saying that the person being cheated on is the problem.

Blaming the 'victim' seems to me be saying everyone has to be an addicted swinger, else they are a floormat. That seems to be attempting to shame everyone into one addictive decadence. It seems to completely ignore that nature is a plethora of strategies.

#6. You wear the pants in the relationship. He cheats to feel dominant somewhere in his life.

Actually, this article reminds me of the time I read Dept of Speculation by Jenny Offill. And I think of how I felt when a close friend told me how many times she'd cheated on her living-together boyfriend, how it seemed dishonest of her and made me wonder if I knew her the way I thought I did.

While there's nothing wrong with throwing out a few reasons why you might be such a shitty gf that you're begging to be cheated on, it would be more well-rounded to show more sides of the issue. There are a whole lot more reasons why people cheat and or cheated on. In some ways, I think it's irresponsible to imply that he cheats because she is failing him. That's never the whole story. It's also mean and petty to take such easy pot shots. I don't mean any offense, just that this could be a really good article instead of just a biased rant.

This post reminds me of an ancient Hebrew proverb...

For the lips of an immoral woman are as sweet as honey,
and her mouth is smoother than oil.
But in the end she is as bitter as poison,
as dangerous as a double-edged sword.

Come on men. Don't be short sighted and ruled by your dick. Be a one-woman-man and give your kids an example of loyalty, faithfulness and commitment.


Amost all people cheat on each other either physically or mentally. We are serially monogamous creatures thus we can be swayed left and right when one cycle ends and another one begins.

Nature hasn't actually programmed us for non-cheating. We would be extinct if it did.

No matter what the case, if you're in an "exclusive" relationship with someone and they have sex with someone else then it's not your fault. It makes them a dishonest person. This article makes people feel bad who have had their partner cheat on them, that's not right. Don't blame yourself, blame the lack of honesty you had in your relationship, blame society for forcing a relationship model on your that doesn't make sense.

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