My Progress Sagacity

in #all7 years ago (edited)

My Progress Sagacity

I was born into a world of thoughts and dreams. A world of goals and ambition been the true test of progress. I have learnt and I have always thought I am meant to pursue my goals and sail only when I av opportunity of a calm sea
I have learnt to always drive when it's safe and I thought I have been configure to only drive out when it's a bright sunny day or a cold peaceful night irrespective of my progress initiative and my destination distance
I have lived this long holding to a mentality to only fly my spacecraft of achievement during a fair weather. Do not fly it is cloudy and hash I have always been told from the imaginary control tower and I gladly lay down my craft on d tarmac waiting, praying and wishing for the weather to change but it seems the weather condition over my location in Nigeria has been permanently configure to be hashed and unfavorable.
Truth be told, I have been lucky to get some calm sea to sail against all odds, the sun has smiled on me on some occasion to make my driving worthwhile and miracles have cleared d cloud over me to give my craft a touch of d sky but I am too far away from my destination and my time seems to be far spent - what an irreparable lost.
Then on my waiting and bended knees I consider my thought and study my progress vehicle more closely and surprisingly I made some astonishing discoveries. My Ship has a mast and an anchor to sail on stormy seas. My car has a halogen headlight and an Automatic Screen wiper rusting away meant to enable me drive in the most difficult terrain through the thunderstorm that may arise on d journey.

It dawn on me like a sane man heal from insanity I have waited for too long for the sea to be calm, I have underestimated my vehicle of progress, I have under utilized my potentials capable to cope beyond limit with any kinds of storm encountered on d journey of life. my Progress Sagacity has been on a wasted lane.
Really I had no better choice than to always make progress, no excuse to be stagnant and no reason to stop pursuing my dreams and goal in this single life journey.
With d voice of a waken giant I scream at my crew, cut the tides of comfort and set the sail out of this safe haven, raise up the sailing mast and cast down the SURE ANCHOR...row row row out of the harbor I can hear myself scream, let the storm come we are ready and waiting, I will no longer seek a safe haven, I will no longer stop sailing..I have a sure anchor fasten to the rock of ages.
I ignite my car drive out of my peaceful park face the road ahead, let it rain brimstone and fire, I will no longer stop I will drive on and on. The forecasters voice I can hear again 'cloudy weather, do not take off' as I moved closer to my craft on d tarmac but I have discovered my craft can't be crashed by earthly clouds and storm, my craft is made out of this earth, with a resolute mind I take my seat as determined pilot let the whole weather b cloudy throughout my flight and the brightness of the sun seems to be a mirage I will fly high above the sky of clouds and storms.
I have been configure and enabled to always make progress no matter what life brings. It is time to be true to my identity.My Sagacity for Progress can no lonnger be diminished..Onward and upward only.

Miriki Progress 2018IMG-20180129-WA0004.jpeg

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