in #tarot6 years ago (edited)


The World
Certainty · Completion · Positive · Reward · Satisfaction

The World's Meaning
The World is an indicator of a major and inexorable change, of tectonic breadth. This change represents a chance for you to bring about a desirable end to the Old and a good beginning to the New. It is indicative of growing maturity, a sense of inner balance and deeper understanding. It suggests that you may be approaching a more final sense of identity, and the security in the self that comes with age. It also represents the falling away of boundaries, sometimes in the effusive sense of the spiritual, but sometimes in a purely physical sense, indicating travels or journeys in the future.

The path you are on will eventually bring you full circle. It may take a while to realize this, but the journey will allow you to accept new responsibilities and points of view.

The present moment will bring you the fulfillment of a wish or a long desired change in scenery. To find satisfaction, you must accept the ideas of others to be equally valid as your own.

You must find your purpose to accomplish it. The same with dreams; you must first be aware of it to make it exist. There is no guarantee for success but the experience you gain will have the potential to fulfill your desires.

Yes / No Key Interpretation
The World card means satisfaction and success at a journey's end. Fulfillment, rewards, certainty, and positive outcomes are all things directly associated with the presence of this card. The answer more than likely is yes.


Look your new friend Cheetah upvoted you again. So cute lol x

Posted using Partiko Android

YES...Even though I did as I was told. I thought I would go out really really big with a large bang and take my friend with me. Everytime I decide to stroll down memory lane I will be reminded of the best Tarot Card I ever pulled and my friend was connected to me like velcro. Sad you did not mention anything about the content of the card. Is that not the purpose of a post and friends and followers who upvote you. To read the content and remark on the content as opposed to reading who upvoted you. Just saying. Mr. Smith. :)))

What do you mean by "Go out with a bang and take my friend"
Sorry I didn't comment on the card i was in a playful mood.
I see a lot of strength in this card but the full circle thing does trouble me a little, Full circle says to me you have travelled back to the beginning and completed the journey. Maybe for you that works. Have you completed a long journey? If you have I am pleased for you. Where to now? Are there great things ahead, journeys, new beginings, learning new things meeting new and exciting friends? So has my friend Marion become a lion ready to charge into the future with a proud roar and head held high and look out anyone who stands in your way. Namaste and Blessings my friend. 😄💛🌷

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow.... I love your interpretation and your view point. I also love your wishes for me for my future. Have I completed a long bet. Where to now you ask. So many, many things. Today is the first day towards that. I think the full circle idea is not troubling at all. I think it is wonderful. I remember being a young child or even a Hippy teenager and the feeling that I had. Freedom on so many levels. Devoid of so many responsibilities. I always had a keen sense of adventure and I still do. Just days and days and days ahead for lots of new opportunities and adventures. Read it again and understand it just a little more. It is the best Tarot card I have ever pulled.

My friend is Chetah, he follows me everywhere. My steemit pal. lol. Going out with a Bang. Maybe the last of Steemit.

Hi Marion
This is great timing for me to hear this card interpretation thank you. There is an interesting and timely synchronicity in its message that is making me smile. Thank you for that my dear friend and I wish you a blissful weekend❤️🍀🦋🌈🌴

Thank you @sallybeth you seem to appreciate a good Tarot reading any things like that. It made me smile as it coincided with my horoscope for the weekend. I find it such delightful fun. I am so jealous of the pretty litle pictures you put behind your message.

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