POLITICAL DISCOURSE -- What Does It Mean For Our Societies…

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Obviously, here on Steemit there are many, if not most.., that are not a fan of the government (I'm right there with ya). But whether, you live in this country or another.., you have to admit governments rule the day. We must acknowledge reality… 

Things like Steemit and blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, living off the grid and many more things I am not even aware of are.., more than ambitious and beyond extremely admirable. But do we just block-out, everything else around us -- or do we take part?

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics, is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." Plato

Here in the states we are coming to the end of an election season.., that has been nothing short of a circus… And we are confronted with a choice, that most people are not to happy about… But, we still have to choose -- or sit it out, and let others decide who is to be the "winner."

This country (the US -- and from what I can garner, many countries) has never been more divided… Blue vs Red. Us vs Them. With neither side willing to listen, either. Our political discourse has become overwhelmingly emotional.., and seems to be lacking, quite severely.., any intellectualism.

If Im remembering correctly… Here in the the states, in grades K thru 12 there are no courses that even touch on politics, at all. Nothing requiring it's future participants and voters to understand or be educated, in the matter. And, when you enter your college years, political courses are met with extreme discourse from the right (conservatives) as liberal bias, brainwashing and influencing young minds.

I am not taking sides in this issue -- just to be clear… I myself, find the whole thing quite comical, if it wasn't so sad. Has political partisanship polarized us into a complete stalemate? With the people (us) being the victims of such a lack of vibration.

We can't get anything done…

I understand, there has been a long history of political discourse in this country -- people hoping to be elected to a position of power, to legislate how we live our lives.., calling each other names -- in a lame attempt to gain the upper hand. Can you see, why I consider it comical -- it not for the fact that, real people are suffering, while they throw grade school barbs, at one another...

It is all too easy to just say -- screw it! And just, check-out… Let these clowns fight it out and the howling masses that support such asinine behavior participate in it. But then I think of all the children going to bed hungry tonight.., and the parents that must witness it. I think… How can I leave such matters of such magnitude up to these boobs…

I don't claim to have any answers… And being here, on this platform, I have seen with my own eyes people out there trying to make a difference, no matter how big or small -- they are standing-up and being counted. Not waiting for some over-privileged brat with elective office in his sights, or some self-proclaimed leader to do it for them… And it inspires hope, in what is an all too easy environment to be hopeless.

"We have the best government money can buy…" Mark Twain

For it is the people that elect these rule makers. Ourselves and our neighbors, that get to pick… And, if we choose to sit on the side-line, do we not, let them win… If we let, all this political discourse beat us down, so badly -- is it not what they want… To keep the minds -- the intellects.., that have the depth and wisdom to invoke positive change, out of the game. So, they can go on to rule the day… 

I understand the motivation, of anti-government.., and not participating in such a rigged and corrupt system. But, it is the reality, of now. Today. Not what we all wish and want it to be -- but as it stands, right-now. It is what it is.., no matter how ridiculous or sad. But we do, as a part of the societies, we all live in.., still have a right to pick. I guess.., that's something…

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Actually we do NOT elect them. The elite chose who we get to chose from. Then we get to pick Liberal Democrat "A" or Liberal Democrat "B". In the elections before this one it wasn't significantly better. If we voted for a democrat we got a democrat agenda. If we voted for a republican we STILL got a democrat agenda. (the republicans are cowards and afraid to do anything to make the press mad at them...they just want to 'get along).

Politicians are bought and sold like the commondities they are.
Ike (Dwight D. Eisenhower) said something about "the military industrial complex".
Personally I think they're just insane.

Vote for this psychotic or that pychopath...
...how long can it last?

I hear ya, @everittdmickey... It is quite a sad facade.

What cannot continue...WILL not continue.
Eventually a time will come when the whole sorry house of cards...collapses.

I'm not as anti-government as some people here. I think the federal government has done/does some good things such as funding the development of computers, the space program, the ethernet/internet, the human genome project and recently the BRAIN initiative. A president can provide a vision for a big project and push for the needed funding. So even though I'm not excited about my choices, I will be voting this year.

I agree... whatever we hope for the future, we have a certain reality now, and we have to deal with it, as it stands, right now. Good article, thanks!

Thanks @kenny-crane! I completely hear where you are coming from... They can get it right, every now and then. CHEERS!

It's comical that people even think these elections are democratic. Who are the real puppetmasters?

It's never amazes me what people will buy into @fairytalelife... I can't understand, sometimes -- it's so sad.

Thanks @christoryan! I appreciate it. CHEERS!

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