The Daily Digestion - The Morning Drive at 5. Download and listen to audio Podcast. Then Bookmark and come back and listen to the Lunch/Afternoon Info-Chow down and feed reviews!

in #radio7 years ago (edited)

This EvE_ Morning The Daily Digestion With @iamericmorrison!

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This is graadualllyy going to become a daily recap with the interview of the day as well as interesting people I have I have come across, news/people from around the #busyverse, and of course, at least a couple of COOL photos. Eventually, We will switch it all over to @radiofusion.

Right now, this is going to be in two sections. One for your am drive...and then, the recap and any breaking morning news.

Baby steps, and The Lean Startup principles in action. - Create a Minimum Viable product and slap it up there. Morph on the fly with A/B testing. A major canadian bank uses this as its bible now. Forward by CEO of GE.


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It says "I made 0.00018" or something..
but, I never stopped chugging! Stay on track!

From the Editors Desk: Hi, I am sure you have noted what my name is (eric) and I have always wanted to write the editorials in a magazine. They never let me near the ads when I was at that billion dollar company. I was too good at selecting the OCD people just like me. But, I have written more than a few paid articles that a pile of people read after leaving gnc anywhere in north America. BUT, NO EDITORIAL. I used to love reading the editorial of Muscle Mag International. I knew Bob Kennedy personally but not super close. He would always say hello if he did meet me and he remembered always who I was. He made people feel important and at ease in his presence. I felt that way anyway. I want to dedicate this first edition to a man that helped to shape me. Wow, I never thought I would write about Bob Kennedy online. Just that little booklet on Corel Draw...circa 1990 som'thin'. "how to get huge" never even made it farther than the mock stapled together perfectly. Great for selling in the back of a magazine. I used to look at the ads, but I never sent it.

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Changes, Happen - In Time #CHITHAPPENS #TM ?

Better and Better every day in Every Way.

Have a great Ride!
EvE - Ego V Eckhart #tm

The Lineup

Early A.M. Listen

1. An Interview w/Chris Dyck20 min lisin'in
Perfect for: The Drive At 5 (am or pm - you decide)EvE #1 - Chris Dyck

Chris sits on: The Trolls Tongue - Icelandic Vista

  • Entrepreneur, Wellness Coach, traveller, college computer programming prof and internet pioneer; Yep, thats him sitting on...well, it has to do with icelandic lore, and trolls. Listen in as @iamericmorrison (aka Coach_fusion) and Chris start off by letting you in on the action as we prep for EPISODE ONE with Chris as the guest (him getting set in his car basically) I so want you all to see how this thing gets started because..#ithinksomethingbigisstarting. We get into transformational tips, nutrition, Iceland, Trolls and..consistency. AND, as this is the nightly reverie/review, I will let you know that I just got off the phone with Chris as he was driving back from wherever he was going this morning and, we concluded that teaming up is in the cards!

So expect him this Tuesday AM for a "joe rogan style" podcast!

EvE #1 - Chris Dyck


Lunch/Afternoon Rundown - Bookmark this article.

AM BrainDump10am Cockadoodle DO IT !

MIDDAY ARTICLE - Motivation and Relaxation - and a book narration beginning

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1.a - how could I forget about THIS GUY - Alvin Brown. He knows Think and Grow Rich very well. #futureguestswecanhaveon #whentheycanmakeit #norush #persistence

  1. Reading from "think and grow rich" - Napoleon Hill (NEW and REVISED edition for modern TIMES!)
  2. A slow down little exercise in noticing your body (diaphragm> energy bellows of the body)
  3. Martin Dasko - - future guest? #uber #needanewcamera/phone #withmacroandZOOM
  4. Regular Guest on this slot tomorrow am (or maybe a bit later...he will be driving again? Just like you? #shoutouttotheTRUCKERS #thedrivers #theknightsofthehighway (you know who you are...) #terry
  5. And some stuff I talk about in #theperistentbraindump (persistance is a word I also associate with LINUX mx-15 and other "distros" need to have...wait, we already have a computer guy- You heard him already - EvE #1 - Chris Dyck (above) in case you are new! Go listen...there are even trolls tongues in there....
  6. Seven day Black and white challenge photos-> #1 coming up!
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    [ARNOLDS RULES #4 - MEME] Vote me up here!(

TOLD YOU SO...see just below...its the next am see? #consistency #persistence

I will be back to add in the audio that I am putting in it later after I wake up. This took me a long time to make this template!

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This Section: I will review this whole article from start to finish later in the morning so you can either listen to it on your lunch...OR ON THE DRIVE HOME!

| 2. A Few Peoples Posts I have interacted with
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A look @canadianrenegade and his awesome "gridless" feed where he discusses everything from earthships to politics. Also, as I was going through the comments on a dtube article by @heimindanger...far away..captain posinoystus...there he was. Click on his link above and We will meet up in a second for a nature connection romp with @canadianrenegadeenter image description here

A peak @wander.woman and her pebbly paths of pure georgian back fun.

****A little pipsqueek** - enter image description here

A shout out or TWO to future guest Randy Bynoe ( up and coming athlete) and Potential well known guest Shakti Gawain (author) who I have sent invites to. Randy is 100%, just getting him nailed down as he is busy is all it is! Shakti, well, I really want to speak to her in real life anyway, so I am following up my fb message with a link to tonights show. I will do my best Wayne Dyer tribute...He wrote a recommendation on the back of her book!

PLUS - GOWSHI from Tangerine Bank ...who ...well, That will be for tomorrow night. I so want to do my usual and blurt it all out...but. Gotta practice patience. It's a learnable skill.

Ongoing Featured Guests/EvE Tribe members - Chris Dyck (Master Nutritionist, Wellness Coach, Traveller, Lover of Life, Teacher, Parent [Insert all episodes here]

  • @ghostKnight - Facebook page: Higher Frequency This guy is great..DJ..and my business partner in real life. He will get on here eventually.

Future/booked Guests

Randy Bynoe! - Up and coming amateur Canadian Boxer and Destiny Wrestling Star - he is in the process of signing up on the platform!
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People I would like to have on: - Drug Addiction NGO, moms who have lost children to drugs. Fentanyl Deaths are supposed to make it to 1400 alone in Vancouver.

We don't have a homeless problem. We have a mental health and
addiction epidemic.

Kate Sutherland - Songster, Artist, Fermentor/Mentor, Mother and awesome person (also into kung-fu!)
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enter image description here - Signup form for the recipe and mailing list for free songs and weekly youtube offerings. Kids and adult music with custom hand done cover art. Mentorship and Nature Connection. (photographs!)

Skeet Sutherland #themanfromtheforest (If we can get him out of his forests...) I made the link to this particular page...because it's the first page I finally finished up there, while ancient Sutherland and Morrison History Repeated itself as I finished that leg of my recovery in the solitude of Muskoka...Just how I wanted it: Clean, neat and the video in particular is super awesome. I really enjoyed showing it at the sportmans show in Toronto at the International Center where Skeet has a HUGE booth every year...and they let him light fires inside :)
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Do you see her? (cool photos) -
Why don't you shoot over there and learn how to shoot and make a stick bow. Skeet also teaches stick bow building at multiple locations of LeeValley Tools
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@dollarvigilante - saw him again as I was going to upload the dtube "video" of the show..with pics in the background that are blurry, just come back here or swim around as you listen...just like you would at work. "At a reasonable level, between nine and eleven..."

Shakti Gawain (have reached out!) - Best Selling Author - I read a bit of her book "living in the light" in the Chris Dyck interview! - Gave him a shoutout! He has been watching...Now, I would like to listen to what he has to say on the show..if he does stuff like that.

@stokjockey - yes! Red pills! And Canadian - I should get @wander.woman to join us maybe at some point! She is all about earth ships and sustainability..too!

Tony Wallace - King Of Kettlebells
enter image description here - My sister, she of the already liked photo journeys of a Park Warden from Ontario, Canada. - He of the Dtube


@thethreehugs - Her feed just looks huggable. I had to upvote a few on the fly. I saw some mineral and health posts! AND lots of other great healing info! I forget how I found her..but, there she was! 5575


IMPORTANT - more so than my stuff below. Please upvote this even if you hate my show:)

Xmas fundraising for a compassionate cause:

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This is like the ads at the end of a radio show...thats how the host makes money!
So, please click on LIKE, RESTEEM and FOLLOW so I can get back to school and get my tuition paid for by STEEM!!!! which is you!

Stuff I NEED

I am on a very low fixed income. all votes help!

  • new Camera
  • new computer
  • Tuition for my return to York University - I found "living in the light" and Shakti already there..and I have some stuff I want to accomplish there that is bigger than me getting my degree. Thats just my reward see? dum dum dummmm!

Some of the stuff I have posted that is just photos that you could vote on!

Some Articles You May have missed

Tell me who you think would be a good guest in YOUR opinion. George Noory and Coast to Coast styles. With some Joe Rogan... Thats what Chris was thinking. Can't wait til he gets his keys to the castle. Maybe he will have the handle... @thebigdyck

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I am converting to 10 open...I will tell you in the next one! [I hope I remember. That "Memory Slug" thing for millenials is right up my alley...any developers out there?

If not, just upvote, resteem and comment.

- Eckhart Tolle

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