ALARM CLOCK DAWN (An Original Novel - Episode 28)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

In yesterday's episode Marcus, the XenTek security agent that was accidentally abducted from the future, learned he was going to be sent back to his own time. Life is so horrible in his time Marcus will do everything within his power to prevent from going back. He decided to break his restraints and force Adam to help him escape XenTek headquarters.

The decisions have been made, the stage has been set, and now we will see what fate has in store for Adam and Marcus.

I hope you enjoy today's episode!

Did you miss Episode 27 of Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to catch up.

Are you new to Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to start at the beginning.

Adam nodded once. “Whatever you do, k-k-keep that card close. P-p-put on one of these surgical masks. It'll hide your face.”

Marcus handed Adam a scalpel. “If things get ugly you may need this blade. Now hop aboard,” Marcus said, gesturing toward an empty wheelchair.

“Let’s get out of here.”

Adam settled into the chair, and the two slowly and very cautiously pushed open the swinging doors and began to make their way down a labyrinth of narrow hallways. The whole place seemed eerily silent. They held their breath as they nonchalantly wheeled passed a small nurse's station. The nurse on duty was just staring blankly at her computer screen with her chin rested in her palm.

They progressed further and further up the hall of the medical wing until they heard the faint sound of static beeps of a radio and the clicking of boots that seemed as though they were getting closer with every step. It had to be XenTek security.

Adam was panic stricken as he looked desperately over his shoulder to Marcus for instruction. The boot steps got louder and louder. Marcus, remaining calm and collected, parked the wheelchair close to the wall. He motioned towards a closet door and squinted his eyes as he twisted the knob. He let out a sigh of relief as it opened and they both ducked in, shutting the door carefully behind them just in time. As Adam and Marcus crouched down amongst the smell of floor cleaner, mops, and brooms, the barrage of loud boot steps in the hallway approached the door then came to an abrupt halt.

They heard the trademark mixture of beeps and the tinny sound quality of the security team’s antiquated, but untraceable, satellite radios. “Captain, find them, dammit!”

Beep/Beep “If the director finds out they slipped away, it will be your heads.”

Beep “The target is to be terminated on sight. He's taken Mr. Harkin hostage. Report back to me with any further developments. Over.” Beep

Just inches away on the other side of the door they heard a guard bark out his orders. “Fan out. We're looking for a dark skinned man with black hair, 6’2”, roughly 210 pounds. If you get a clear shot, lethal force has been authorized.”

“Yes, sir,” the team answered in unison as the boot steps began again then quickly marched away.

“What are we going to do?” Adam asked, now panting from nervousness. He reached out for the wall, struggling to keep his balance.

Marcus put his finger to his mouth. “Calm yourself,” he whispered. “Deep breaths. Do you know the exact floor plan of this part of the building? We need to find the quickest way out of here.”

Adam thought for a moment then pulled his Holo from his pocket and pushed a few buttons. As he did, a holographic map of that wing of XenTek headquarters floated in front of them. Adam uttered the words, “Nearest train station” and the software began to dutifully show them the way.

“We're very close to the lobby. W-w-we need to exit left out of this c-c-c-closet. Walk straight through the double doors at the end of this hall. From there we just need to make it past the guard's desk and the scanners to get out of the building. There's a stairwell to the train station just 30 feet away. We'll be safe once we get on the train.”

“Wait, did that guard just say Harkin? As in Dr. Adam Harkin? Holy shit.” Marcus said aloud to himself as Adam watched an expression of disbelief morph quickly into anger.

Adam was aware of how much more dangerous this situation had just become for him. “Wait, M-m-marcus, l-look at me. I'm not that person you described from your time, not yet anyway. I was horrified by what you told me back there in the lab. I will do everything in my power to make sure I don't play that h-h-hideous role in the future. I s-s-s-swear, you have my solemn promise.”

Marcus quietly studied Adam's face for what seemed like an eternity, the flames of his anger were stoked higher with every heaving breath. Adam realized that the only ironclad way that Marcus could alter the future that he so despised was to snap his neck right here in this closet.

Adam felt a glimmer of hope as Marcus' expression softened. “Okay, take off your scrubs. We'll have a better chance getting through if at least one of us is in our street clothes. We need to go now.” Marcus opened the door just slightly to peek down the hallway.

“Go!” Marcus ordered, and they made their way down to the end of the hall to the double doors.

“I'll go first,” Marcus said.

“They're looking for the two of us to be together. Wait twenty-five seconds, no more, then go through the scanners. Don't use your own I.D. badge. I'll meet you at the train station. Walk fast, don't run. Keep your face calm. Don't make eye contact, don’t do anything to draw attention to yourself. It should take less than a minute.”

“Good luck,” Adam whispered as Marcus pushed open one side of the double door and began walking. Adam looked down at his vintage watch and began counting as the second hand ticked around the dial too slowly. He was afraid the fear would paralyze him right where he stood. Adam mouthed out the final digits of his countdown—eighteen, nineteen, twenty—then took a quick and shallow breath and pushed open the door. He walked past the guards at the front security desk as nonchalantly as possible and scanned his I.D. card. As the scanner beeped, the guard looked down at his monitor. Adam walked straight through the scanner and continued as fast as he could towards the stairwell.

Gunfire exploded all around them.

Adam’s legs nearly collapsed as three final deafening gunshots rang out followed by a symphony of screams.

Alarm Clock Dawn is the first novel of a trilogy. The sequel entitled, Truth Is Stranger, will be published in the Spring of 2017.

Please visit my website to sign up for my author newsletter. My newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates on the release of the sequel and other special offers.

If you’re enjoying this serialized version of my debut novel the best compliment you can give is to share this story with others, either face-to-face or online. I appreciate all of your continued support!


Here we go -- bust out the guns :))

My favorite "episode" for sure. Love how much quality your cranking out these days.

You definitely deserve all the success you've been seeing. Can't wait until the next chapter.

Very interesting like always!

Yay for the next chapter!!!

many many thanks for this episode :D

You're very welcome! Thanks for being a loyal reader!

Great job done again! Original and interesting to read!

Next Episode Suspense

more interesting, thankyou for posting

I have fallen behind on this because of some outside things, but I'm back into reading mode today and will be catching up! Really enjoying this.

I'm so glad you're getting into the plot! Thanks for coming back!

you wrote in other comment about awakening. Why is that important for to write about it?

As a meditator of over twenty years I feel that the world is going through a process of spiritual awakening. You wouldn't necessarily know this by watching main stream media but I feel it is happening. I think we (humanity) must achieve more of a balanced existence if we wish to survive and thrive in the future.

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